Zee's POV April 17, 2024

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My little kitten is round, and he waddles now. He is adorable. Nhu looks like a little cherub with his rosy skin and pouty lips. Even his little fingers are plump, and I want to bite them. I corral kitten into the elevator then turn around to glare at a man who wants to share the elevator space with us. His face pales and he won't look me in the eye.

"Go ahead, I'll catch the next one.", he says.

The door closes and I pinch Nhu's little cheeks.

"Aow! Hia, why do you always do that?"

"Would you rather I do this?"

I lean past his belly, kiss him, and use my tongue to stroke the seam of his lips. NuNew shivers and leans into me. I love it when I make his knees weak. Nhu looks up at the ceiling and whispers.

"Hia, the cameras."

I kiss the top of his head and use my key fob to make the 18th-floor button light up. As an extra layer of security, it now takes a specially programmed key fob to select a floor on the elevator.

"Do you want to press the button?"

"I'm not a kid.", Nhu says.

Nhu objects but he pushes the button anyway. I just want to see his plump little finger push the button so I can, 'Aw.', in my head. If Kitten gets any cuter, I am not going to let him leave the house.

We are coming home from an appointment with Dr. U. and everything looks great. Strawberry is growing. Kitten has made an amazing recovery. We no longer need to go every week to monitor his health. We have officially started the third trimester, and in three months, we will be welcoming Strawberry into the world. I think both Nhu and I had a 'this is really happening', moment when we heard that.

All the way home Kitten reviewed his nursery plans out loud. He seems worried that we will not be ready on time. I don't understand how having a completely decorated nursery, indicates we are ready to be parents, but it is important to Kitten. I have learned unless it is insane or dangerous to just say yes.

When we get home Nhu goes straight to his nest. Leaving the house has become trying lately and the nest helps him with his anxiety. I expect to find him dozing there later and if he lets me, I will scoop him up and put him in our bed. This way I can douse him with my pheromones, and we can spoon.

Dr. U. explained that as the pregnancy progresses, NuNew will become more instinctual. He may not want to leave the house, object to visitors, and feel uncomfortable if I am not around. As we get closer to giving birth, I should plan on isolating. It has to do with protecting Strawberry. I will need to talk to everyone to prepare them.

Sure enough, my Kitten is asleep curled up in his own soft fuzzy version of heaven. I carefully scoop him up and carry him to our bed. Sleepy little mews of protest escape Nhu's lips until he snuggles, into my neck and begins to lick and bite.

"Not yet you, naughty little kitten.", I say.

Lowering Nhu on the bed I engulf him and Strawberry in my arms and begin to trace little circles on Nhu's stomach. I feel Strawberry kick in response. No longer do her kicks feel like tiny little bubbles. Now when she kicks it is hard enough to see Nhu's tummy move. We play our usual game where I tap Nhu's belly, and she kicks back.

A sleepy voice interrupts our game.

"I think Star is too gentle a name for her. How about Hammer?", Nhu asks.

Strawberry kicks like a little fiend and we both laugh. I swear she understands us.

"Alright, we won't change it.", Nhu says.

Nhu began singing softly to Star. While I doze. Life is good.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky."


Week 28 of your pregnancy is Apr 16, 2024 - Apr 22, 2024

During the third trimester the brain triples in weight adding billions of new nerve cells. The senses of hearing, smell, and touch are developed and functional. Your baby is having different sleep cycles, including rapid eye movement. That means she's dreaming.

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