Handwritten Letter February 7, 2024

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Dear Hia,

I got chided by Dr. U. She said I was not taking care of myself. It is because I keep pushing your cousin away. I don't want anyone but you. I don't want him to take your place. I only want you Hia. I feel like if I let him in then I am giving up on you. I have waited so long for you. Loved you for so long.

It feels gross. He does not do anything bad. He has never once tried anything sexual. He gives me space and does not get upset that I constantly reject his well-meaning help. He will make a fine mate for someone, just not me. There is only you for me.

I thought it would be enough to have him in the same room with me. But it is not. I am not getting any better, Hia. I am also not getting worse. I sleep all the time. Dr. U. made me look in the mirror. It was shocking. I looked like I just walked off the set of a horror film. So, I need to do it, Hia. I need to let him, wash my hair and rub my swollen feet. Eat the special meal he made for me and let him pat my head. Give me a hug when I cry.

Mom and Dad do all these things now, but they are not compatible alphas, so I don't get the special benefits I need. Damn second gender symbiosis. It is more like a shackle and a chain.

When you come for me and see me being pampered by another alpha, please forgive me, okay? I only love you. I only want you. No one else can take your place in my heart. I am not giving up on us. I promise. But Dr. U. is right. This loyalty I have to you is hurting me. If I am being rational, I know you would never reject me or doubt me because of this. Instead, you would feel guilty and horrified that I am in this situation. I know that Hia. But my heart. It only wants you.

I am being silly, right?

I wonder if I will ever give you these letters.



Week 18 of your pregnancy is Feb 06, 2024 - Feb 12, 2024

Gender reveal time.

If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them during an ultrasound. Are you feeling kicks and punches? Baby's hearing is also developing, so you may want to start talking to your baby.

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