*Sobs Quietly*

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"Please tell me why I'm so afraid of dying alone,

So scared and so stoned."


"Last night, I had a weird dream.

You and me were together, all happy

But it felt like a toothache,

It was fake, and too sweet to stomache

Like a artificially flavored candy, with just a bit too much sugar.

While we were holding hands,

I noticed I felt neutral towards you.

Not a burning desire or love,

Not a tender tingling of butterflies in my stomache,

But only a gut feeling that I should lay my head unto your shoulders in a tender embrace.

When I woke up, and you werent there beside me;

I didnt miss you.

I missed the feeling of being loved,

Of having someone to lay my head on.

Why was that?

Why can I not bring myself to love you, as yourself?


Hey, Keigo...

I'm sorry I used you like that,

Even in a dream.

I'm a bad person for pretending to love you, just to feel loved myself.

One day I'll tell you... right?

I think I'd better stop sharing my dreams with you."


Dabi woke up abruptly, slightly panting.

He had a feeling like hed just had a nightmare, but couldn't remember what hed dreamt.

He looked around, confused at the sight of darkness and Hawks' empty bedroom. He didnt realize hed fallen asleep, hopefully birdie wouldn't be too mad.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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