Felt like home

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"You felt like home,

Now I'm homesick "


Keigo's hair waved gently in the wind, resting onto his nose as he looked up.

He smiled warmly at the burned boy infront of him.

His smile faded and he shifted his eyes downward, carefully avoided asking Touya why he was injured again.

Touya just sat down quietly, staring straight infront of him.

Keigo shifted in the damp grass, folding his wings awkwardly and leaning his head on Touya's shoulder.

"...Are you still going to be a hero, too?"

Touya said, his face seemingly devoid of emotion.

Keigo didn't look up, he only looked down at his legs.

"I... hope so. Heros are cool, and save people. I want to save people."

Touya bit his tongue harshly, his teeth drawing a small amount of blood.

He swallowed the metallic taste of blood, ignoring the sting of pain and leaning his head to rest onto Keigo's.

"Yeah. You'll be a great hero."

Keigo smiled softly.

"You too."

Touya didn't let him see the grim look on his face.


Keigo sat on the grass for hours. Today he didn't see the boy he knew as Touya. He didn't know where he lived, or who he lived with, and all he could do was wait.

For a boy who had died last night.


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