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"Last thing I remember is me walking out the door,

Next thing you know, woke up on the floor."


Hawks didn't know what exactly he expected, but to say he was disappointed was an understatement.

A few minutes past 1 am, on the last day of his leave from work- he was woken up by shattering glass, the shards being sent flying into his bed- a few stabbing into his arm and one even cutting his cheek.

Then, as unceremoniously as possible, Dabi casually squirmed into Hawks' apartment and grabbed his Nintendo Switch, walking past him into his living room.

Hawks could only think about how waking up in hell would've been better.

Seeing Dabi look at him as he was wiping his blood off in his bathroom sink, leaning against the doorframe with the sound of Animal Crossing in the background, just made it all that much worse.

"This is a pretty shitty island. Have you even played this, or did you just feel like wasting your money?"

Hawks felt like roundhousing him.


Hawks sat on his balcony, a small bag full of glass sitting on his bed.

Dabi laid flat on his back, sprawled across the length of the balcony and resting his head next to Hawks' legs.

"Why did you even come if you were just gonna do this?"

"Well what else should I be doing? Making out with you?"

Hawks scowled, smashing his wing down onto his face "How about i dump the glass shards on your ugly ass face instead?"

Dabi moved up, biting down on a feather

All that did was earn him a punch in the gut, though.

He heaved out a small 'ow' as Hawks stared out at the stars. He sighed softly, a dull expression on his face.

Dabi didnt feel like talking anymore, and just sat up and reached in his pocket.

He gently tapped a cigarette against Hawks' cheek, staring at him expectantly. Hawks turned giving Dabi a half-assed smile.

He turned back, watching the smoke condense into a thick fog just to disperse into nothingness instantly, the smell of the smoke was the only confirmation anything had happened at all.

Hawks looked down, the silent atmosphere making the cold night air suffocating to breathe. Dabi hummed lowly, his raspy voice making the sound scratchy.

Hawks didnt mind it all too much, though. He just leaned over and laid his head onto the others' shoulder.

Hawks smiled softly, Dabi just keeping a neutral face as he closed his eyes and continued humming whatever tune came to mind.

For a second, Hawks swore he could hear the rustle of leaves against the park ground.

He didn't quite know why.


A/N: Bubble made me bawl but the animation was literallly stunning

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