American Idol

13 0 0

"Look at how they look at me now,

attention gonna boost my esteem

Lost about a million pounds,

and god I look so good on TV."


"Why were you out here anyways?"

"Getting food."

"Bigass bag."

"Think I don't know that?"

Hawks chuckled lightly, sliding down the wall to sit down. Dabi sat down after a little bit, too.

"Did you mean that promise, back then?"

"Honest answer, or the one you'd wanna hear?"

Hawks shook his head.

"You've done enough lying, haven't you gotten your fill yet?"

"Not for a while"

Keigo leaned his head back.

"Then just say what I'd hate to hear."

Dabi exhaled sharply.

"At some point, I might have genuinely meant it. But by then I didn't care anymore."

"Your right, I hated that." Hawks sighed, closing his eyes and bringing the cigarette back to his lips, inhaling deeply.

"You know..." Hawks murmured slowly. "I wonder what'll kill me first. My job, or myself."

"Maybe a short, slimy slug on the sidewalk 'll do you in."

Hawks felt his eyes water at the comment, the uncomfortable atmosphere seemingly so far from the gentle moments when he'd laugh under that tree at those stupid jokes.

He slid his thumb across his bottom lid, flicking off the tears. "Probably a mushroom. Those things are vicious."

Dabi let out a dry laugh, one that heaved out of his tired lungs and didnt quite sound like he was the slightest bit happy.

"What... now?" Hawks felt his voice crack.

Dabi sighed. "Well, I dont think the pro heroes would like to know the people you hang out with nowadays."

Hawks grimaced.

"Who. the. fuck. cares. The media will love it, that's for damn sure. Like flies on dog shit, that's what they are. And I should know that by now."

"Is being a hero that much of a nuisance to you?"

"It's better than being a villian." Hawks looked over to his side, giving Dabi a lazy smirk.

Dabi snorted, shrugging slightly "Damn, you got me."

Hawks flapped his wing into Dabi's face before standing up.

"My apartment is just barely across the street. If you want to visit, I'll be free another two weeks."

Hawks began walking, stopping just before he left the alley, flicking the still-fuming cigarette butt into a corner.

"I'll hold it against you forever if you dont visit, because this time you dont have a fucking excuse."


A/N : Angel Beats is probably one of the best animes I've ever watched. Also, I fell asleep while typing- was kinda tempted to just leave it like that.

" Your right, I hated that." Hawks sighed, p
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