Chapter 16

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Pulling up to the address Ben sent, I take a moment to scope out the area. The modest, three-story brick building on the corner of Main and Willow Street is unassuming and gives no indication of what hides behind its thick exterior walls. The only clue there's a business here at all is the small white sign by the front door that reads OTS in bold black letters. Ben sure wasn't kidding when he said they keep a low profile.

"Guess this is it, bud. Let's get your gear on."

When he sees it, Nero positions himself so I can strap on the harness. Concerned about introducing him to so many people at once, I opted to leave him at the Inn while I got my haircut and then again last night, when I went to dinner at Embree's mom's house. Those two occasions were the first we'd been apart since I adopted him a year ago and I'd been worried I'd come home to chewed walls, torn bedding, and a miserable pup with a bloody mouth from him trying to chew his way back to me. To my surprise, each time I returned, I found him sprawled out on the bed in the exact spot I'd left him. Turns out the fleabag doesn't miss me when I'm gone, and I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it.

"About last night. The least you could have done was greet me by the door." I give him a pat on the head, loving the way he leans into me. "In case you've forgotten, you're a dog. Sitting by the door waiting for your master to come home is part of the job description. Now, come on."

Locking up the truck, I take another look at my surroundings. While it's Monday morning, the streets in Ruby Creek are quiet. It's in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of a typical Monday in New York City. I've been gone for so long that I'd forgotten the quiet feel of small-town life, and the terrifying thing is that the longer I'm here, the more I can see the appeal of building a life here. I know it's a ridiculous notion, which is why I keep reminding myself that whether or not this job is a good fit, it could never be a long-term thing.

At the front of the building, I come to a solid steel door. There's a small speaker panel with a red button on the wall beside it. After trying the handle unsuccessfully, I push the red button and wait to be let in.

"Offset Tactical Security. How can I help you?" I recognize the voice coming through the speaker as Ben's.

"Hey, it's me."

"Sir, could you please state your full name for the record, along with the name of the individual you're here to see?"

"Seriously asshole..." I shake my head, for a moment wondering if he's toying with me. "It's me, Lucas."

"Sir, I insist you refrain from using such coarse language. Also, please remove your hat before entering the premises. Oh, and I like your shirt. That color really brings out your eyes." I feel like an idiot when I inexplicably look down at the blue polo I'm wearing before scanning the area around the door for a camera. Sure enough, there it is.

"Motherfucker, open the door," I snarl. It's too fucking early for this shit.

The door buzzes as Ben's cackles come through the speaker. When I make it inside, I find him standing in the middle of what looks to be a reception area.

"Hahaha, asshole. Fuck you." I tell him, doing my best to sound annoyed.

"Same to you, my friend. I see you brought your sidekick along. Alright if I pet him?"

"Oh, I don't know. Why don't you give it a go and see what happens," I smirk. When he gives me a dirty look, I chuckle. "Yeah, go ahead. Nero, af." I command him to lie down, and then watch as Ben's eyes light up in fascination.

"He's cool as shit. Look at him." Ben squats next to him and pets his head. As he pats down his neck, Nero's muscles relax even more. "You said he can track, too?"

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