Chapter 26

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Ever been faced with a truth so outside the realm of possibility that it upended everything you thought you knew about your life? Well... this right here is that kind of moment. It's why I find myself sitting in the front seat of Lucas's truck, wondering where it all went wrong.

I guess this proves that Creed was right. I am every bit of the naive girl he proclaimed me to be whenever I refused to acknowledge the evil that lurked outside our safe little world. The thing is, I'm a firm believer that there is more good in the world than evil, and therefore I chose not to live my life from a place of fear.

Looking back, I now understand that this is what he was trying to protect me from. After enduring what I have the past three years, let alone the past few hours, I see now just how foolish I've been. Good doesn't always prevail over evil because evil is cunning. Opportunistic. A trickster that thrives by infiltrating positions of power, where it disguises itself and hides amongst the good. The shocking revelation isn't that there are bad people in the world, but that those who I thought were good and could be trusted are the ones I need to fear.

The question that remains is, on which side does my husband belong?

"Are you okay?" The sound of his voice brings me out of my head. His tone is one of concern and laced with caution. The tension between us is strange, and it's clear that he too, is having a hard time navigating the awkwardness that sits between us.

"I'm fine," I answer, though we both know it's a lie. Hoping to convey I'm not interested in conversation, I turn toward the passing scene. Through the tinted window, I catch sight of my reflection and almost cringe. I've never hated the girl staring back at me more than I do now. She's damaged, pathetic, and bursting with ugly feelings that have never been me.

"You can talk to me, Emb."

"Sure I can." Passive aggressive. I guess it's right on brand for the new me.

If he notices my sarcastic tone, he doesn't let on. Instead, he allows us to fall back into a heavy silence, which I appreciate. The less we talk, the better off we'll both be.

"I'm sorry for walking out. The last time... the first time. I really am sorry, Embree."

His tone is pained and his regret cuts through the anger and layers of old scars, down to the remnants of the girl I was before all this. The girl who wanted nothing more than to please and take care of those she loved. The me who'd rather be hurt than be the one to inflict pain. That I'm to blame for his sadness compounds with everything I'm feeling and plunges me deeper into the dark void that's slowly smothering me.

Lying back against the headrest, I close my eyes. The terrifying part of all this is not knowing what's coming. The likelihood the girls and I will come out of this unaffected seems nearly impossible. It's why I'm wondering if my life is destined to meet a devastating end, wouldn't it be better to get it over with now? If only to save myself from the despair of watching my world crumble under my feet, especially if it saves those I love from the struggle of a meaningless fight.

Then again, that's the coward in me talking. If this were just about me, I'd have no problem lying down and waiting for the end to come. But the mother in me, the fighter that was born the moment Alyssa entered my world and whose will was reaffirmed when Mallory took her first breath. That part of me is adamant I protect my girls at all costs. Through all of this, I must find a way to keep them innocent, happy, and safe.

"I know you're pissed at me, and I deserve it. I shouldn't have walked out, not when all you needed was someone to comfort you."

Comfort me. Seriously?

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