Chapter 18

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"Here we are," I tell the girls as the familiar black Chevy Tahoe comes into view.

From the sight of it alone, the nerves in my belly go all a flutter. It's a familiar sensation. One I haven't felt since I was a teenager, which is why I welcome the feeling as much as I repel it. This excitement, this giddy anticipation... there's just no space for these types of feelings in my life. I'm no longer that starry-eyed teenage girl who doodled hearts with our names intertwined, and he's no longer the boy who swore he'd always be by my side. We've both grown up since then. Our lives have long since diverged and put us on different paths. It's something I can't allow myself to forget.

"Is that Uncle Lucas?" Alyssa asks from the backseat.

Following her line of sight, I spot him sitting on a nearby bench with Nero lying at his feet. Their backs are to us, both of them focused on the lake glistening in the distance. With the way he's slumped forward, it looks as though he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. It's something I've noticed he tries to hide, but there is no mistaking the hints of strain that linger around the edges of his essence. The heaviness that surrounds him leaves no doubt that the years he spent away from us left their share of scars.

"That's him." I turn off the ignition and then glance at the girls through the rearview mirror. "Go on and take your seatbelts off. I'll let you both out in a second."

Stepping out onto the gravel lot, I shut the door and stop at the trunk of my CRV to get the small bag of snacks I packed for them. The sound of my door closing must have alerted him of our arrival, for I sense him coming toward me several seconds before I see him.

"You won't need that unless there's medication or something they absolutely need," he says about the bag in my hand, as he comes to stand beside me.

"It's just a few snacks and juice." I smile at him, though now I wonder if maybe he's changed his mind. "I thought we were taking them on a short hike?"

"We are..."

"Hi, Uncle Lucas!" Alyssa squeals from where she leans over the back seat. Mallory's right beside her with a shy grin planted on her face.

"Well, hello there Ally Mally!" Lucas squeals back in a high-pitched voice that matches theirs and makes me laugh. "Nero was eager to get started, but I told him we had to wait for our tour guides. You girls ready to show us around?"

Not at all surprised by their excitement, I close the trunk with what I packed in hand while their muffled shrieks and giggles carry on from inside the car. Opening the driver's side passenger door, I reach for Mallory's hand and help her jump out. No sooner are her little feet on the ground than Lucas gently pulls us to the side and reaches a hand to help Alyssa down. Once he's got her, he shuts the car door and moves on to the much-anticipated introductions.

"Ally Mally, meet my best friend, Nero. Nero, meet my best girls, Ally and Mally."

"Oooh, he's sooo cute!" Alyssa coos, as both girls reach for the dog.

When Alyssa wraps her little arms around his neck while Mallory does the same to his head, my body tenses in alarm until I notice the way Nero is eagerly planting kisses all over their smiling faces. The dog's tail is wagging so furiously that it's obvious he, too, is beyond excited to meet them.

"He's so good with them," I tell Lucas, completely surprised by the way the three of them look to instantly bond.

"Yeah. He loves kids. Always has. Even in the middle of a war zone, he always looked out for them," he adds matter-of-factly, his eyes glued to the adorable sight before us.

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