Chapter 27

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"Kids ready?" I startle at the sound of Zeb's voice. "My fault. Didn't mean to scare you."

"That's alright." I turn off the kitchen sink and give him a bright smile. I hope it's enough to hide my annoyance at the way they just let themselves inside. It's all thanks to the entry code access Owen installed a week ago, in the name of securing the house and keeping us safe. "They're in the living room. I'll grab them so you don't have to take your shoes off."

Tossing the dishtowel back onto the counter, I follow the sounds of the girls' latest movie obsession. In the living room, I'm greeted by the sight of two burly men cuddled up next to my girls. Four pairs of eyes are focused on the TV screen and the look of utter contentment on my daughters' faces as they revel in the warm safety of the guys goes a long way toward easing some of my frustration. This is especially true when I notice my shy little Mallory sitting on Lucas's lap.

As difficult as it's been having the guys coming and going out of my home, the one positive is the way the girls instantly bonded with them. During the day Zeb and James take them to and from school, and in the evenings and nights it's Lucas and Mason who take turns watching over us. As far as the girls are concerned, the guys being here means they have a revolving door of playmates and all the attention they could want.

For me though, the adjustment this past week has been more difficult. Aside from constantly having the guys around, the hardest part was giving up the girls' school drop-off and pick-up routines. I never realized how much I cherished those car rides with them until I had to watch them be driven away from me as I stood at the door with tears in my eyes.

"Girls, Zeb and James are here."

"Ooh, yay. Coming!" Alyssa screeches, as she rolls off the couch and lands on her feet with an exaggerated oomph.

"Wucas. Can you come wif me?" Mallory's sweet voice is so quiet I almost miss what she's said.

Surprised, I look over at Lucas in time to catch the look of awe that washes over him. "I'm sorry, Mally, I have to stay and help your mama with her day. But Zeb is one of my best buds. He promised to watch over you in school and will bring you right home as soon as you're finished. Nero and I will be here waiting for you."

The answer seems to appease her, as she reaches her little arms around his neck and plants a kiss on his cheek. When his face flames red, it takes everything I have to stifle a laugh. It's adorable how affection from my little girl can turn such a big guy into a pile of mush.

Helping her off his lap, I tell them, "Okay girls. Say bye to Lucas, Mason, and Nero. You'll see them again after school."

After saying their goodbyes, I take their hands and lead them to the door off the kitchen, where James and Zeb await. Handing them off for the day is always the hardest part.

Blinking back tears from the doorway, I watch as the guys strap both the girls into their car seats. The first couple of days I tried to be the one to do it, but I couldn't get through it without the girls noticing how sad it made me. It's why Lucas convinced me it was best if I saw them off from the threshold of the house.

"They'll be okay," Lucas whispers from behind me.

Though he's not touching me, he's close enough that I can feel the warmth of his body at my back. As is the case whenever he's this close, my body reacts. Goosebumps break out over my flesh, and my belly spins in a delicious dance that travels down to my lady parts. As there's nothing sexual in what he's doing, I blame my body's response on the fact I haven't been touched by a man in more than three years.

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