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You can't go like that without listening to me. Shalini says loudly. Ashvik looks at her and closes the car door harshly. Okay, say what you want to say. Ashvik says seriously. Nandu is getting married tomorrow. Shalini says. After hearing about that he got tears into his eyes. Is that what you want to say to me? Ashvik says rudely.

He was about to open the car door... You also know that person ashvik.... Shalini shouts. but Ashvik opens the car door then Shalini shouts Vijender Bhopal... She is getting married to Vijender Bhopal. After hearing that he looks at her and he walks towards her. He forced her to marry him. Ashvik asks worriedly. Haa ashvik he is. Nandu doesn't want to do this marriage but this Vijender Bhopal is not leaving her. 

You have to say that day only right about this. Ashvik shouts. Nandu said not to tell you about this. She doesn't want you to get in trouble. Shalini says. Now you're only saying this or else she said to tell me about this. Ashvik asks her. I am only saying. She doesn't know that I am saying this to you. Shalini says. Ashvik sighed. That Vijender Bhopal said once that you and your brother sent him to jail. Shalini says. 

You can please explain to me what happened till now. Ashvik says seriously. Okay. Shalini looks at Shaurya and Ashvik.

              Flashback starts.......
6 days ago.....

Nandini comes home from college. She looks at a car outside of her house. Whose car is this? Did someone come? She says and goes inside. Nanna, why you didn't come to pick me up? Nandini shouts while going inside. She finds no one is there in the living room. She goes upstairs. She notices some men standing at the entrance. They have guns and knives in their hands.

Who are you all? She asks them but they won't respond to her. She looked at them and went forward. Nanna maa... She drops her phone. She gets worried after seeing a man point a gun on her father's head. Nanna... She goes forward... Nandini don't come stay there. Goapl says. That man looks at her. So this is your daughter Gopal. The man says. He looks at Nandini from top to bottom.

Your daughter is so beautiful. The man gets up from his place and walks towards Nandini. Don't do anything to her. If you want to sign me on the papers I will do that. please don't go near to her. Gopal shouts. But that man won't listen to him. He rubs a gun on his forehead as he walks around her. Hi beautiful. He stops In front of her. Nandini looks down and she tightens her dress grip.

Mr. Gopal Reddy, I will give you one more option. The man says. I will cancel my loan. will... You give your daughter to me. The man said. Vijender.... Gopal raises his voice. Cool Gopal don't take me the wrong way. I am saying that I will marry your daughter. If you don't like this option I won't pay back the loan that I took from the bank afterward your wish. Your job will go. I pity you, Gopal. Vijender says.

Nanna don't worry I will call the police. Nandini says. Vijender indicates his man to take the phone from there. As she bends down to pick up her phone a man from behind takes her phone. Hey, give me my phone back. Nandini shouts at him. Baby don't shout it won't be good for your health. Vijender laughs. Vijender keeps the gun on her cheek. Don't do anything to her. Gopal says.

Vijender turns back. Gopal ji... You love your daughter that much. He says as he walks towards him. He sits on the chair and slowly points the gun at his head. Butterfly if you won't accept to marry me I will kill your parents. Afterwards your wish, you shouldn't say that I killed your parents. After we get married. If you won't accept or accept to marry me. I will kill your parents. If You really won't accept to marry me. I will kill them now only. Then your wish. Vijender smiles at her.

1..... Nandini closes her eyes. Baby look at here. Vijender says. Nandini opens her eyes and looks at him. 2.... He started counting again. He presses hai finger on the trigger slowly and..... I will... I.... will marry... you. Nandini says. Vijender laughs as he succeeds. Baby you agreed to marry me. Vijender says. Nandini nods her head as yes. Listen everyone I am getting married. Vijender shouts. His men clap for him. I have to celebrate it. Vijender says. Okay, Mamaya... I have some work I will go now and See you tomorrow morning. Bye, baby. Vijender says and leaves with his man's.

Nanna maa Are you both okay? Nandini goes near his father and mother. We are okay nanna. Gopal says. Sorry nanna because of me you have to... Before he completes his words Nandini says it's okay nanna leave it. I will call Shaurya Annaya to say about him. He will do something. She looks for her phone but she won't find it. They took my phone with them. Nandini says.

Your mother's phone is there.  Take this and call with this. Gopal says. They took your phone also. Nandini says while taking the phone from Gopal. She calls Shaurya and says everything.

After sometime. Shaurya and Shalini came there with his parents. Nandini.... Shalini hugs her. Are you okay? Hmm. Nandini nods. are you all okay? Karunakar asks them worriedly. Haa Annaya we are okay. Gopal says.  Are you okay chinna nanna pinni? Shaurya asks them. We are okay nanna. Gopal says. Let's call the police. Shaurya says. Shaurya calls to the police. After 2 rings someone lifts the call. Hello poli.... Before Shaurya completes his words. Someone snatches his phone from the back side. Everyone looks at the person.

Suprise... Vijender says. Sorry, I forgot my gun here so I came to take it... But after seeing what is happening here. I think I shouldn't go I have to be here only but I have to go I have some work. Vijender smiles. Vijender takes his gun and sits on the chair. He keeps his legs on the table and crosses his legs.

From tomorrow onwards Nandini is not going to college and you four members go back to your house and you shouldn't open your mouths until you go to your home. My man will come with you members. You all have to come to my marriage with Nandini. Now leave from here. Hey, take them with you. He orders his man. Come with me. His man said. They all follow him with fear. If they don't do what they said. they will kill them. So they had to follow them silently.

Baby, I am also going because I have some work I will come tomorrow morning okay? Don't miss me. Vijender says and leaves from there. He keeps his man around the house. So no one can go out.
                  Flashback ends.

                     [ Present ]

From that day he has not left her. When you came to college and asked about Nandini. He came on that to her house. He said that he fixed the wedding date for April 3rd on Wednesday means tomorrow. They took her phone that's why she was not answering your calls. On that day your call came when he was there. he took her phone and checked her gallery and he saw your pics with her and he said that if you and your brother knew about him you both would send him to jail again. Shalini says.

This rascal... He started his work again. When is the marriage time? Ashvik asks her. At 10: 30 am. Shalini replies to him. Okay, don't worry I will come tomorrow. Ashvik says. What will you do? Shalini asks him. I don't know but I will do something. Ashvik says. Okay then let's meet tomorrow. Shalini says. Come Parnshi let's go. Everyone would be waiting for us. Ashvik says.

Are you going to drive like this? Parnshi points at his arm. Hmm. Ashvik nods. Parnshi gets in and Ashvik drives away. After they left from there. Shalini and Shaurya leave from there. 

Next update on Sunday.
Thank you for reading.

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