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Mr. Nick is explaining everything to Shriyan & Ashvik. The meeting is going on with the directors & with the clients.

After a few minutes.

So any doubts anyone? Mr. Nick said.
Everything is good Mr. Nick. Shriyan replied. What about Mr. Ashvik? Mr. Nick looked at him. Hmm. The explanation is great. Let's sign the papers. Ashvik said. Mr. James, please pass the file. Mr. Nick said to him.

Mr. James passed the file to Mr. Nick. First Mr. Nick signed the papers. Later he gave it to Shriyan and Ashvik. They both also signed the papers. Everyone clapped.

I am so happy today. My dream came true. I have been wishing to work with you both for years. And Now it has become true. Tonight I am going to announce you both as my business partners. And I invite you all to the party. I hope you all attend the party. Guys. Now take a leave. We will meet at the party. Dismiss. Mr. Nick said. Everyone went from there. Mr. Nick Shriyan & Ashvik left for home.



All the guests came. Mr. Nick Shriyan Ashvik also reached there with their life partners. Before going inside the media took some pictures of them. After giving some poses to the media they all went inside.

Everyone wished them. Mr. Nick took the Mic and stood between Shriyan & Ashvik.

Attention, please. Good evening ladies & gentlemen. Thank you for coming here. This party is about Mr. Shriyan and Mr. Ashvik. They both are special to me. Today I am so happy because My dream came true. Now I like to announce that Mr. Shriyan & Mr. Ashvik are My business partners. Mr. Nick spoke.

Everyone clapped. I hope our journey goes smoothly. Mr. Shriyan and
Mr. Ashvik. Mr. Nick shakes his hands with them. It is our pleasure to work with you, Mr. Nick. Shriyan said. Enjoy the party, everyone. Mr. Nick said.

Mr. Nick Shriyan & Ashvik talking with the guests. Meanwhile, our girls are chit-chatting with each other. Except Mrs. Nick is with her Business client. Talking about something with her.

Mams would like to have some drinks.  A waitperson asked Shrivi & Nandini. No thanks. Shrivi replied to him with a smile. Mam you. The person asked Nandini to confirm whether she wants or not. "No. But thanks for asking". Nandini replies. Thank you, mam. The waitperson goes from there.

Akka. Nandini singles Shrivi. The woman who asked for Bava Gari's Number on that. She is coming here. Nandini said. Shirvi looked at the woman who was coming towards them.

Excuse Me. She said. You are? She asked. I am Shrivi Shriyan Varajapati. Shrivi replied. I am sorry but please say this man doesn't call me again. He keeps calling me again and again. Even I told him I had no problem. But he is not listening. And he is talking in another language. I can't understand him. Could you please tell him? She requested Shrivi.

Haha, why not? Shrivi took her phone and talked with the policeman.

Thank you, Man. She replied. No problem. Shirvi smiled at her. And sorry for that day. I didn't think he was your husband. She said. Not Mention. Shrivi replies. By The way, you both look so good together. The woman said. Thank you Ms. Shrivi replies. The women go from there.

Ufff. She left. I thought she would ask something. Shrivi says. Where both bavas are. Shrivi looked around the hall. Hmm. There they both are. Shrivi says while looking at them.

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