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AT Court.

In Courtroom.

Prakash enters the courtroom. As he entered everyone stood up. After he sat Everyone sat back into their place.

Proceed. He said.

Yashika gets up from her place. My lord. My defense lawyer Ms. Shrivi client. Who tried to arrest my client Mr. Ashvik in a false statement. And he didn't even file the FIR. The police team of Mr. Nitin the inspector went to arrest My client Mr. Ashvik without any FIR. When I asked him he said Mr. Bhopal didn't file the FIR. And he also said he got orders from DGP. That's why he went to arrest Mr. Ashvik. Yashika said.

Is this the right inspector? Prakash asks him. Yes, My lord. He replied.

"Your honor". I want to ask Mr. Bhopal some questions. Yashika says. Go ahead. Prakash replies. Thank you, My lord. Yashika says and goes near Vijender.

Mr. Vijender. I hope you will tell the truth. Yashika says. I will lawyer Garu. He replies. So you complain to DGP That My client Married a child. How do you know that he got married to a child? Are you present there at that time? Yashika asks. No. Why will I be? He shrugged his shoulders.

Then how do you know that My client got married to a child? When you were not present there. Yashika asks him. Vijender's face starts sweating. He looks at Shrivi who is drinking water. Her cheeks became balloons because she had water inside her mouth. She looked at Vijender and signals to her. She swallows her water and nods to him.

Tell Mr. Bhopal. Why are you silent? Haa. Your mouth got shut. Ayyoo... Look how you're sweating. She whispered to him.

My lord. Mr. Bhopal complained about the case against My client that he married a child. But my client got married to a 20-year-old girl who is going to turn 21 Next month. And My client Mr. Ashvik and Nandini got a love marriage. In the presence of her parents. After her parents accepted their love they married. Even Varajapati's also accepted their marriage. No one has no problem.

But Mr. Bhopal has a problem. Because he didn't marry Mrs. Nandini. He forced her to marry him. But my client Ashvik saved her for him. And he took permission from her parents and married her. Mr. Ashvik sent Mr. Bhopal to jail. For this reason, Mr. Bhopal wants revenge on him. He got bail From jail by lawyer Shirvi. He made a false complaint about My client and he wants him in jail. Yashika said.

This is true Mrs. Shrivi. Prakash asked her. She immediately got up from her place. I don't know My lord. Because he didn't inform me before complaining. But this is true that My client forced Mrs. Nandini to marry him. I got to know after I investigated. About him. Shrivi says.

Is she supporting me or them? Vijender thought in his mind.

Is this true? Mr. Vijender. Prakash asks. No. "Your honor".  They are lying. Vijender complaints.

"Your honor". Shrivi comes in front of him. My client told me that he got arrested for no reason. But after I start knowing about him. I got to know that he is a big criminal and has a lot of cases on him. Shrivi spoke.

Yes, my lord. The person who is standing here like an innocent is a big criminal. He did a lot of things. Like murder, drug selling, kidnapping, and more. "Your honor" these are the proofs against him. I request you to check them once. Yashika says and gives the cover to the ladies who sit in front of the judge. A lady passes the cover to the judge. Prakash takes them and checks them.

That's not true. My lord. Don't trust them. Vijender shouted. "Your honor"
Ask my client-in-law and family. They are here. Yashika says. Nandini's parents stand up.

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