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At court.

Shrivi reached the court. Shrivi. Dharani waves her hand to her. Coming. Shrivi smiled.

She goes near her. Happy Birthday my jaan. Dharani hugs her. Thank you, My babe. Shrivi broke a hug. A constable comes there. Lawyer Garu. Inspector sir said he would come with the lab report. He said. Okay. Shrivi replies.

Vijay garu. Shrivi saw him coming towards her with his son in the wheelchair and with his wife. Hello. Andi. Shrivi wishes. Namaste lawyer Garu. Vijay wished her back. No need to worry about anything. Trust me everything will be fine. Shrivi says. Hmm. Vijay nods his head. Let's go inside. Shrivi says. They went inside.

In courtroom.

The lady judge comes there. Everyone stands up when she comes inside. After she sat everyone sat.

She adjusted her eyeglasses looked at people there and said. Proceed.

Rajesh looks at Shrivi and he gets up from his place and stands in the middle. Madame. The opposite defense lawyer Ms. Shrivi Cleint
Mr. Vijay filed the case against my client Mr. Karthik's Son Akshay. They say that My client's Son hit their son. When there is no proof against My client's Son how can they say it?
"Your Honor" I need your permission to ask some questions, Mr. Vijay's son Vicky. Rajesh asked.

Permission is Guaranteed. The judge said. Vijay Garu. Can you please come with your son near the bone? Please. Rajesh said. Vijay comes there with his son near Bone and he makes him go inside the Bone in a wheelchair. He stands beside him.

So Vicky. When I heard you were in a serious condition right? Then how did you come here? So what I heard was wrong? That was a lie. Rajesh asked. Vicky looked at him and Shrivi.  Say, Vicky. Was that a lie? Rajesh says.

My lord. Shrivi stands from her place. I want to say something. She says. Proceed. The judge said. Rajesh looks at her. "Your honor" what lawyer Rajesh Garu heard was right. The doctor said he was in serious condition. But yesterday he recovered from the danger. I know Rajesh's lawyer Garu will ask this question. That's why I prepared some information that I got from the doctor.

Madame, I request you read the file which is in front of you. Shrivi says. The judge reads the file. Madame. For more information, you can ask the doctor who treated Vicky. Shrivi added. Doctor Garu. Shrivi called him.

He stood and explained everything that Vicky got out of the danger. Thank you, doctor Garu. Shrivi says. "Your honor" I need your permission to ask Akshay some questions. Shrivi said. No. Madame. She is trying to do something. Rajesh interrupters.

Permission is Guaranteed. The judge said. Shrivi Goes near the bone. Akshay. Can I know the reason why you hit Vicky? She asked. Akshay looked at his father. H...he said something bad about my father. He replied. Something bad about your father? What is it? She asks. I forgot about it. He answered. You forgot about it. Okay. Shrivi says. He nods his head.

So you forgot what he said. No problem. "Your honor" note this point that he agrees that he hit Vicky. Shrivi said. Everyone's facial expression changed. Especially Rajesh and Karthik's. Any proof Ms. Shrivi? Rajesh asked.

Yes. Lawyer Shrivi any proof? The judge asked. She is also supporting them or what? She says in her mind. Rajesh smirked looking at her. Yes. My lord. I have proof to prove that Akshay beat Vicky. Shirvi says. The constable comes there with a packet and gives it to the ladies who sit in front of the judge. They give it to her.

"Your honor" there is CCTV footage from the garden where the incident happened and some videos. Vicky's statement and Vicky's principal statement. Shrivi says. And we have some people who came to say what happened that day. If you give permission I would like to introduce them. Shrivi added.

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