Chapter 5: A Very Skewed Perception

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Qrow Pov

Western Onym

4:03 PM

I hovered Rubys little band of adventurers as they walked along the path. They were covering ground faster than I had ever expected them to. Often times, I would perch myself up in a tree as they slept for the night, giving me a chance to keep watch on them as I rested. It also gave insight on how the kids were doing both physically and mentally. 

After stumbling on that massacre, the blond kid and Ruby looked to be having a tough time. Of course, that kid didn't seem to be having a good time even before they left. I had followed them every step of the way since they left the house. I had planned to stay with Yang despite needing to continue Ozpins work, but since Ruby was the one who needed me more and finding out that Y/n escaped mere minutes before he showed up at the house made me reevaluate that decision. That goes double since he had said that he was going to stay with Yang. In the end, that worked out quite well. 

I looked ahead of the group and saw a cliffside that had several Beowulfs perched on the ridgeline. Breaking away from the group, I flew ahead of them. They needed to be taken care of before the kids walked into an ambush. Adjusting so that I could get behind them, I let go of the magic, transitioning back to human form. I kept my mind as blank as possible so that the Beowulfs didn't catch on that I was here. 

The first one was no bigger than a pup. I barely payed any mind as I rammed Harbinger in the back of its head. The Beowulf didn't make a sound as it croaked. I counted four in total, including the one that I just ran through. Quietly and absentmindedly, I walked to the next and pivoted as I passed and took its head off, the Beowulf never making a sound. 

The third turned to check behind itself. It lowly growled but that was as much as it got before I jumped forward, slashing at its throat. The Beowulf tried to let out a whine but nothing came out. I brought Harbinger up and embedded the blade into its shoulder, cleaving down through its clavicle and deep enough to destroy its lung. 

it flopped down, trying to find a way to save itself. I estimated that it was going to be dead in about three minutes between its inability to breath and its loss of blood. As I came up behind the final Beowulf, it prepared to jump. Without missing a bet, I rammed my sword through its back right as it launched, pinning it to the ground underneath. It let out a growl followed by whining before I ripped the blade upwards, cleaving the Beowulf in two. 

I looked out over the ridge at the kids. They were all talking amongst themselves. What exactly, I couldn't make out but that didn't matter. Shion village did a number on them so the fact that they're still carrying on like this is a good sign. I swung Harbinger over my shoulder before scanning the horizon for any signs of Grimm. I didn't get too far when I heard the cawing of a Raven. 

I looked over and saw that it was staring me in the eyes. I knew that it was my sister. Years upon years of knowing her came with the perks of recognizing her, even when she was transformed. Raven looked out towards the horizon and I followed the gaze. The next village, Higenboda, was another twenty miles away. The kids could make it by nightfall, provided they don't run into any trouble. Raven took off, heading straight for the village. 

We didn't need words to know what one another was thinking. That came with knowing her for over forty years. I didn't like the fact that I was about to have to deal with her, but it was something I was expecting to happen sooner or later. My mind was taken off my sister when I felt the first drop of rain land on my shoulder followed by thunder. I hated traveling in the rain but unfortunately that came with the job. 

Qrow: Heh.... Luck....

Weiss Pov

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