Chapter 49: More Than That

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Y/n Pov


7:12 PM

After several hours of searching, I had finally found him. Sitting on the roof overlooking a strip mall, Oscar sat at a café looking deep in thought. He wasn't dressed in his normal clothes. Instead of the white shirt and brown workpants with suspenders, he now had a pair of black cargo pants, a green coat with leather shoulder pads stitched in and a button up shirt. I couldn't see his boots but I was betting that they were new too. All of it clearly obtained for the purpose of filling the role of a Huntsman rather than a farmer. 

What's more, he had Ozpins' cane attached to his hip with a new strap for it. I thought about dropping in and talking to the kid when he took a deep breath and stood up, leaving a small amount of money on the table. Instead of talking, I instead followed him. I can at least make sure he makes it back. I would call Weiss to let her know that I found him but I don't even know it they even went out searching. 

In the end, I didn't bother. Moving from building to building, I kept pace with Oscar. When he finally did stop, it was in front of a grocery store. He took out his wallet and checked it before deciding to enter. I took off my mask and clipped it back to my belt. Leaning over the edge, there was a fire escape just below me. Jumping down onto it before down to the ground, I started walking towards the store Oscar had just entered. 

I didn't get very far before I looked across the park plaza. A familiar head of short blonde hair catching my attention. After our last interaction, I was tempted to just ignore him. Now I'm petty, but not that damn petty. What really got me wondering was why he was staring at a statue. Both curiosity and concern drove me to walk towards him. 

As I got closer, I started to slow down. I stared at the statue, realizing what exactly it was and why Jaune was so consumed with staring at it. The statue was a memorial.... For Pyrrha. I never knew where she was from, other than just the Kingdom of Mistral, but I think I can confidently say that this is it. 

Slowly bringing myself over to Jaune, I stared at the monument to the friend that I, in no uncertain terms, got killed. I never should have let her come with me that night. Should have just trapped her in that airship like I did everyone else.... gone on my own. Probably would've died on my own too.... What hurt worse of all was reading the epitaph on inscribed below the statue. 

In honor of Pyrrha Nikos

One of the many students who fought valiantly at the Fall of Beacon

I closed my eyes, replaying the whole night again in my head. When I finally opened them, Jaune and I looked at one another. No need for words, for once in a long time, we were on the same page. Neither of us wanted to be the one to speak first. In the end, Jaune was the one to give in, and it was in such a weak tone that he sounded genuinely broke. No anger. No resentment. Just broken. 

Jaune: ....I miss her.... So much....

Y/n: ....I do too.... 

Jaune: ...Why? Why did you let her go with you...?

Y/n: ...I was hurt and needed help... I thought I could keep her safe despite that.... And I warned her what could happen but she insisted. I didn't have a choice but to go back. I think she believed she didn't have a choice either.... 

Her question that night stuck out to me, even back then. I think that she knew that we wouldn't win. Don't think she anticipated either of us surviving but here I am looking at a her grave with Jaune. She asked me "Do you believe in destiny". I had said no. That my actions were mine. That all this wasn't some preordained cosmic joke. She believed it and I didn't.... Turns out she was right.... 

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