Chapter 45: The Apathy

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Y/n Pov

Continent of Onym

7:39 AM

I lay in a bed, warmth all around me. Beside me, I hear the rustling of clothes and soft singing. I don't dare to open my eyes. The comfort and warmth beckoning me back to sleep. The singing gets slightly louder and a pressure forms beside me. A soft hand resting on my chest. I smile and just as I'm about to open my eyes, the shattering of glass jolts me from the comfort.

I snap upright with a start, the warmth from before nowhere to be found. The cold invading every nook and cranny of the room. My eyes dart around the room before settling on Weiss. How she slept through my episode, I didn't know. She was a light sleeper so that was unusual. Yesterdays events being the prime suspect of why she might be sleeping so heavily. 

Standing up and being careful not to wake anyone. I grab my belt with all my equipment still attached and get it on. The light coming through the small crack in the curtain indicating that we had overslept. Again, yesterday events being what I suspect. After getting my belt done and my pistols strapped down to my legs, I started to walk out of the room. I thought about relighting the fire, but that would only make everyone want to sleep longer, being in a corpses house be damned. 

Sitting in the chair with his legs propped up was Qrow. Of course, he had a bottle in his hands, though they were empty now. Below him was the bottle he was holding. There wasn't a lot of glass given how short of a fall it was. It looked like he went through all of the bottles.... Great.... While he was still sleeping, I stole my cigarettes back from him and lit one up. I'll give them back in a little.... 

I put them away and gently nudged Qrow. I didn't want to wake him up the way I had, though it certainly would have been effective. He groaned but otherwise remained asleep. Nudging him a little harder yielded the same results as the first. 

Y/n: Damnit Qrow, wake up. 

Qrow: Hmm... Leave me alone...

Y/n: Come on man.

I reached down and shook him, hoping that would wake him up. While maybe it did, it only made him lift his hand and shove me away. Now.... I like to think I'm a patient man.... But I was anything but patient this morning....

Y/n: Fucking wake up!

I kicked the rear leg of the chair he was sitting in. The leg breaking and sending Qrow toppling to the floor. I made sure to kick the rear leg because of the glass. If I really felt like being a dick, I would have took out the front leg. Then he'd be picking glass out of his ass for the remainder of the day. 

Qrow was wide awake now. He sat on the floor breathing heavily and looking around. When he looked at me, then the window, he realized what had happened. He groaned, though this time out of annoyance. Fair enough, but I wouldn't have done that had he woken up when I was trying to be nice. 

Qrow: Hell of a way to wake someone up....

Y/n: Wouldn't have done that had you not been stubborn. 

I offered my hand getting up but he ignored it and stood up himself. I couldn't help but take that as a slight but whatever. I probably deserved that after last night. Still don't know why I said what I did. Qrow completely ignored me and walked into the living room. I didn't bother to follow him. Moving the table that was blocking the door to keep it shut, I walked outside. 

Thankfully, the cold wasn't as severe as yesterday. In fact, it was slightly warmer than I remember Atlas being. That's not saying much but it was souring my already pissy mood to realize how close we were. I took a walk around the perimeter of the land. Didn't need bandits or Grimm skulking around. It was a rather short walk but it did nothing to alleviate the tension. 

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