Chapter 52: Permanent Solution

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Yang Pov



Riding through the forest on a motorcycle going a excess of seventy was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Luckily, I was used to dirt roads. Growing up on Patch having a very unlikely advantage. Though that wouldn't mean anything if I slammed into a tree at Mach fuck. The threat of crashing didn't do a thing to deter me. I said I was going after Blake and I damn well meant it. 

It wasn't hard to figure out what exactly happened. The numerous corpses littered around the tower was indication that someone beat Blake there. It could be anyone, but I have a guess who. It'd be a lie to say I wasn't scared shitless at the thought of running into Adam again, but Blake needed the help, and I had a score to settle.

Tracking Blake was rather simple. All I had to do was follow the marks along the trees. Deep slash marks littered the trees and it seemed to be going in one direction. That made it obvious. Not to mention the distant gunfire that sounded suspiciously similar to that of Blakes weapon. Funny how you pick up on details like that when you really know someone. 

Letting go of the throttle, I squeezed the brake handle so I could listen for the gunfire. It wasn't constant but it was often enough to help get me to her. Confirming that I was going the right way, I slammed on the throttle and took off again. Within all of two minutes, the gunfire went from distant to close by and the sound of metal hitting metal started to be added to the mix. I had found them. 

Just as quickly as I came to that conclusion, the sounds ceased. Braking and listening again, I could hear the sound of HIS voice. I couldn't make out the words but if he was speaking and not fighting, then that means Blake is not in a good position. Not too far away from where I was, there was a drop off. That was where his voice was coming from. 

Revving the engine of the bike, I got myself hyped up to do this. I knew I'd lose the bike if I did it this way but Blake needed the help now. I can replace the bike, I can't replace her. Letting go of the brake lever, I shot forward, quickly making it up to speed. I positioned myself to jump and just before the bike went over the edge, I leaped. 

The bike and subsequently myself, went flying. The bike went straight down, headed straight for Adam. He dove to the side just before the bike hit the ground where he was. Firing my gauntlets to slow my descent, I landed beside Blake, who was looking pretty beaten up. Adam stood up, confusion and fury intertwining on his face. He grabbed for his sheathe that looked very much like a rifle, prompting me to raise a gauntlet and firing right at it. The sheathe went flying from his hands and off into the ravine behind him. 

Blake: Yang! *Grunts*

Yang: It's ok. Just catch your breath. I got this. 

Adam: *Chuckles* She's right Blake. She and I have unfinished business. 

Adam and I stared each other down, waiting to see who would make the first move. He didn't have his White Fang mask on, revealing a nasty branding that covered his right eye. The eye looking dead and shriveled from the burning. What's worse was the branding was labeled SDC. Normally I would have some sympathy seeing something like that, but Adam lost all empathy I could have given him with everything he's done. Ignoring his affiliation with the White Fang. Ignoring what he did to me at Beacon. What he did and is doing to Blake was, to me, the one thing I wouldn't let go of. 

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