Chapter 42: The Hearts Of Men

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Y/n Pov



The blank landscape had returned, but there was one key difference this time. Standing in front of me was Ozma, his back to me. I circled around him and found that his eyes were closed. It was like he was sleeping standing up. It didn't take long for Ozma to open his eyes. I expected it to be like when the God of darkness revived him. Instead, he was calm. Well, as calm as you could be standing in a white void. 

He started to walk forward. He looked all around, maybe hoping that something was there instead of the blinding white. He didn't walk far before something began to fade into existence. It looked like the God of light, but he and his brother left. Was it really him? If it was, why stay? As the light finished forming, it really was the God of light. He watched Ozma for a moment before speaking. His tone much gentler than any other time I had heard him speak. 

Light: Ozma.

The sound of his name made Ozma turn to the God. He looked up in awe, completely unaware of what had happened both to the world and himself. Whether that was a blessing or a curse was yet to be seen. The God laid himself on the ground and took to his humanoid shape. Ozma shook himself free of the awe and realized that something wasn't quite right. 

Ozma: Where.... am I? 

Light: We are between realms.... I'm afraid a tragedy has befallen your home at the hands of my brother. We have chosen to depart this world, but in our absence, I would like to offer you the chance to return to it.

Ozma: I don't understand....

Light: Mankind is no more yet your world remains. In time, your kind will grow to walk its face again. However, without our presence, it will be a fraction of what they once were. Creation, Destruction, Choice, and knowledge, were the ideals in which humanity was made. Now, I leave them behind with the hope that you learn to remake yourselves. 

As he spoke, he summoned each of the four Relics in which he spoke them. We already knew that knowledge was at Haven, so which one is in Atlas? If its destruction, then I can finally get behind going. If anything can be used against Salem, its the Relic of destruction. Bonus points for it being an actual sword. 

Light: If brought together, these four Relics will summon my brother and I back to your world, and humanity will be judged. If your kind has learned to live in harmony with one another, and set aside their differences, then we shall once again live among you, and humanity will be made whole again. But if your kind is unchanged, if you demand our blessings while fighting amongst yourselves, then man will be found irredeemable. Then your world will be wiped from existence. Until your task is complete, you will reincarnate, but in a manner that ensures that you are never alone. 

Gee, great sell. Personally, I would have told him to shove it, but I don't think he's really asking. He could have said no, but really the God would have done it anyway. What I'm unclear on is why he even cares enough to try. He may not have destroyed humanity, but he was quick to leave. Of course, that leaves me confused about how I come into all of this. If they left, how am I their "Champion"? 

Ozma fell to his knees, stunned at what he was being told. I honestly doubt anyone could have taken that well. I'd say Ozma is taking it in as well as to be expected. He was quick to recover, but he looked tired.... It was a look I was all to familiar with by now. 

Ozma: I'm sorry but... That world just isn't dear to me without her in it.... If I may, I would like to return to the afterlife to see Salem....

Light: You will not find her there. 

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