Chapter 21: Truth

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Y/n Pov

11:34 AM

Continent Of Onym

It didn't take long to catch up to Yang, or even that long to make it to Ravens camp. I stayed a small ways away from Yang. Her semblance having faded didn't mean she wasn't liable to still be pissed. As little as I cared about her being mad at me, with us walking into Ravens camp, I didn't need or want to deal with it. 

The trees started to thin out and the camp came into view. It looked like every other camp Raven ever set. The large walls blocking any other way in except for the front gate. The wooden logs that served as the wall looking as if they just been put up. The stumps that I saw only strengthened that assessment. 

I wasn't about to walk in there. Assuming that most of the older guys are still there, if I walk in there, their all going to want a piece of me. Besides, this is what Yang wanted. I would rather stay away. I patted Neo on the shoulder to get her attention. 

Y/n: You can either go in with Yang or you can stay with me. 

Neo: 'Your not going in?'

Y/n: No, I'm going to find me a tree and set up in case there's a fight. At least have Yang covered better than if I just walked in. 

Neo: 'I'll go with Yang then. I'd feel safer having you watching out for us and she'd appreciate having more help right there.'

Y/n: Then catch up with her. 

Neo started walking faster and I started looking around. With the trees being thinned out here, there wasn't really anywhere that was particularly good. Backtracking to where the forest was thicker, I found a spot almost immediately. Pulling my grapple, I fired upward and was lifted up towards the branch. 

I had the other trees serving as concealment and a good view over the camp. I had a few blind spots but I could work around that. Placing the grapple back in its place, I pulled Black and White and put them together. As the pistols merged, I engaged the scope and set up looking into the camp. Yang and Neo had just walked through the gate when I found them. 

Everyone was looking at the two and I had to resist the urge to start shooting early. I looked around and found Ravens tent rather quickly. It was always in the same spot at every camp. I saw the flap open and Vernal poke her head out. She looked the same as when I was there. The only difference was her eyes.

Her eyes were piercing and cold now. I remembered the day I walked away. The look on her face when I said my piece, when I finally got a answer from Raven. My grip on my rifle tightened. She heard the same thing Roy did, and she picked her side. Roy chose me and Vernal chose Raven. That was the end of it. 

The whole camp was alert and ready to attack at a moments notice. I flipped the safety off and got ready. As Yang and Neo came to a stop, everyone surrounded the two. I knew exactly what they were doing. We called it a shark attack. Not something you want to happen if you plan to continue breathing. 

I continued scanning the area until Ravens tent flap finally opened. The instant Raven came into view, I centered the scope over her head. If she did something stupid, I would at least make sure she didn't live long enough to enjoy it. Watching Raven through the scope, she walked out into the open with her mask on. 

The massive Grimm mask that she always had covered her face. I don't know how strong the mask is but I'm willing to bet that I could get through it. I specifically liked 5.7mm because it's so good at piercing armor. Raven looked at Yang and Neo. I watched as her gaze lingered on Neo before looking across the tree line. 

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