Chapter 40: Once Upon A Time

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Y/n Pov


10:19 AM

One Week Prior

Ruby: ....We need to take the Relic to Atlas?

Qrow: That's what Oz said.

Y/n: Oz can go fuck himself. 

Weiss: You've got to be joking!?

Nora: I mean.... Bright side, we finally get out of this house! 

Everyone sat in the living room as they did general maintenance on their weapons. Weiss in particular was placing Dust vials into her case while I sat beside her, loading bullets into my pistols magazines. In front of me was Black and White, having just been disassembled, cleaned and reassembled. 

This was the first time I was out of bed in two weeks and by all accounts, I shouldn't have been. Haven academy had done a number on me. As for Weiss.... I was terrified to let her out of my sight. I know she can take care of herself and that she's alright now, but after seeing her go down at Haven.... I just couldn't stop thinking about it. 

Whether Weiss picked up on it or not, I didn't know. I was doing my best to keep myself focused on something or another to avoid giving it away. I haven't exactly been successful with that but it was the best I could do. At least until tonight. I still had Cobblepot to deal with. As far as he goes, I'll just have to figure out whether the heats worth it or not. 

Qrow: Trust me, I'm not crazy about the idea either, but without the Spring Maiden here to seal the Relic back in the Vault, this is our best option.

Y/n: The Relics are spread around the four Kingdoms, right? Why not Vacuo? 

Qrow: Because we don't know who the Summer Maiden is. It'd be a waste of time. 

Y/n: Shouldn't we go looking for her then? If Salem has her, then its only a matter of time until Vacuo gets hit. If she doesn't, then we have the chance to secure the Relic. 

Qrow: The Relics already secure. Besides, we don't know where to start looking for the Summer Maiden. At least we know the play if we go to Atlas.

Ren: You're not wrong. Atlas might just be the safest Kingdom we have at the moment, but the borders are closed. General Ironwood called everyone back. 

Y/n: All the more reason to forget about Atlas. If we try to sneak in, Ironwood will treat us like invaders and have us shot. 

Ruby: He wouldn't... Would he?

Y/n: Last time I was in Atlas, he sent a three Bullheads loaded to the brim with Knights with Winter leading them. When that failed, he sent a fucking gunship after us. With him, nothings off the table. 

Weiss: That was after you killed three men and raided a mine. 

All eyes went to me and I promptly shut up. What could be said about that? It was a hell of a response on Ironwoods part, but yeah, I had my role in that as well. Still, going back to Atlas was a bad idea for both me and Weiss. I don't know what would happen to her, maybe end up back under her fathers thumb. If I was lucky, I'd be thrown in prison for the rest of my life. I doubt that'd happen, he'd be more inclined to get rid of the headache altogether. 

Qrow: ....Its really a wonder why he doesn't like you.... Then again, he doesn't like anyone. Anyway, not everyone went back. The city of Argus is a ways north of us and its the primary trade port between Onym and Solitas, and its got the largest Atlas military base outside of the Kingdom. There's no way they'd leave that abandoned. Maybe if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort us straight to Ironwood. 

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