Types of kids at school

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I said I would make this in an earlier chapter, so here you go.

1. The Smartie. This kid just knows everything. They've gotten 100% on every single thing since September, and they have a squeaky clean reputation. I seriously wonder if they're really even a human and not a robot sent by some secret organization to make us all feel bad about our study habits. This used to be me. I know this person seems like a boring goody-two-shoes, but they can actually be a lot of fun.

2. The Creepo. This kid is literally the creepiest person to walk the Earth. They're even creepier than me and my friends. They have gross, greasy, hair, they have a disturbingly intense stare, and are pretty much terrifying. The only good news is that they're generally pretty small, so you could probably beat them in a fight, but still. Ours also lives two doors down from me.

3. The Hottie. We don't have one in our school, but I've heard stories. Apparently, they're the one that everyone has a crush on, they're really hot, and on top of that, they're a good person? This person is like the Loch Ness monster. Everyone's heard on them, but nobody's sure if they actually exist.

4. The Band Geek. This is just the person who loves band way too much. They join all the bands they can, practice way too much, and take private lessons. This is the person that, when it's raining and they have to walk or bike home, are more worried about their instrument and music than their schoolwork, electronics, clothes, hair, or anything else. (FYI, I did this like 6 hours ago, so I'm making fun of myself more than anyone else with this one).

5. The Douche. This person is the epitome of idiocy. They're usually a middle class white kid from the suburbs who tries to act like they're from the ghetto. They also have a stupid rapper name, usually a shortened version of their name with lil at the beginning. To really put a cherry on top, they have a bunch of stupid catchphrases like "young money" "cash, money" or "smoke weed everyday." Most of them have literally no meaning.

6. The Future Crazy Cat Lady. This is the one who's obsessed with cats. They talk about cats a lot, are really creepy (but not as creepy as the Creepo), and somehow manage to make everything seem sexual and perverted. Whenever you're around them, you want to hide under a blanket/chair/anything else. It should be noted that this person isn't always a girl, in fact, ours is a guy.

7. The Drama Queen. This is usually a girl, and she's SO ANNOYING. I seriously want to duct tape her mouth shut. She's like "OHMYGOSHMYCRUSHLOOKEDATMETHISISTHEBESTDAYOFMYLIFE ASDFGHJKL!!!" Seriously girl, he looked at you. He didn't confess his undying love and violently eat your face, or whatever you wish for him to do every day at 11:11. I get that your hormones are making you go a bit crazy, but take a leaf out of Elsa's book. Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show. I mean, minus the whole almost destroying an entire country and breaking out into song thing.

8. The Assface. This kid is the biggest jerk, but somehow nobody else notices. Everyone thinks that you're so mean for hating them, meanwhile they call you names and shove you into things. They're popular, and people actually like them, which confuses you even more.

9. The Naïvely Hated. This person thinks that everyone likes them, but in reality, most people hate them. They're annoying, stuck up, rude, and think they're better than everyone else. Most of their friends only pretend to like them because they feel bad that nobody likes them.

10. The Silent Starer. This is the person that never talks. They're so quiet, and it's scary. Everyone knows that if anyone is going to go crazy and murder their classmates, it's the quiet kid. I avoid this person because literally every time I glance at them, we make eye contact. Like do they spend all their time just staring at people to creep them out? If so, they need a better hobby.

Hugs and kisses, Elise.

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