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8th of December 1928

The Greengrass manor was blanketed by heavy layers of snow, the loud sounds of cold wind gushing past the trees situated nearby the manor concealed the sounds of terror that were being emitted from the large building.

The four year old girl's sobs vulgarly shook through her miniscule figure as the dark wizards standing before her continued their infliction of anguish upon both of her parents.

"Ophelia, go hide where we told you," Her father instructed her.

Ophelia stubbornly shook her head, she heard a loud shout. "CRUCIO!", Her father let out a loud scream of agony as convulsions wracked his entire body.

On the other side of the room, a wizard stood over her mother's frame whilst he inflicts both psychological and physical torment on her, the mother's loud cries drowned out all other sounds in the living room.

"If you hand us the girl, your suffering can end," Said the wizard standing over the mother's weak figure.

"Over my dead body," Choked out the mother. The wizard let out a dark laugh, "Very well then.". He had taken out his knife and plunged it into the woman's chest and twisted it slowly. Blood had begun to spill from her mouth as she continuously bled out onto the floor.

"MAMA!" A loud shout tore from the little girls's vocal cords as life began to drain from her mother's eyes, her tears continuously cascaded like heavy rain while she wept over her dead mother's body.

"Avada kedavra," Said one of the wizards while pointing their wand towards her father.

"NO!" The girl screamed loudly as her father's body landed atop the hard wooden floor. Her head was wracked with guilt at her helplessness and fear of the fate she was about to suffer.

One of the dark wizards looked towards the little girl, "You are coming with us," There was a tone of finality in his voice.

The girl's lips began to tremble at the events that had just taken place. "No," her voice held a vulnerability about them. One of the dark wizards had grabbed her body, the girl attempted to fight hard against his grip but to no avail. Her lips began to quiver while her cheeks were stained red due to her endless crying, she accepted her fate as the two men dragged her away from what she knew to be her home.

No person deserved to endure such a cruel fate, and above all no child should have to live with the memory of their parents' murder. Once they made their way out of the Greengrass manor, the taller dark wizard looked at her with a cruel smirk etched on his features, "We shall make a useful weapon out of you," His tone withheld something much more sinister and twisted behind them, almost as though there was a hidden promise behind his words.

The girl felt a chill travel down her spine, she shuddered at the thought of the life that was about to unfold from this day onwards.

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