Chapter 1

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9th of October 1942

This day marks two years of Ophelia Greengrass's daring escape from Aleksander Dimitrov, the man who callously stole the lives of Elijah and Florence Greengrass right before Ophelia's eyes. He moulded her into the soldier he wishes for her to be by means of torture and coercion, all so he could make use of her dark powers for destruction. Her childhood was ripped to shreds like a ship at sea that has been attacked and destroyed, leaving the only survivor to cling onto the small piece of wood to stay afloat even in dire weather conditions. Unfortunately for her, she happened to be the only survivor of the so called 'ship wreck' which tore her childhood to shreds.

Ophelia snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door, "May I come in?" It was Madame Maxime.

"You can enter," Replied Ophelia.

Madame Maxime slowly opened the door, "I've been meaning to discuss an important issue with you."

A soft smile graced Ophelia's features, "What is it?"

"Dimitrov has been getting restless in his search for you, and I'm afraid he's beginning to catch up. There's only so much I can do to protect you from his grasp." Madame Maxime sounded serious.

Ophelia's smile fell from her face at the mention of Aleksander Dimitrov, "What are you insinuating?" She pushed.

"I promised your mother I would always protect you and I did the best I could, I have provided refuge for you at my academy and hid you from him for years. However, he has begun to catch up to where you are and I believe it is safer for you if you transfer to another school that can offer you more protection from Dimitrov.

"What are you saying? Which other school could possibly offer me more protection than Beauxbatons has?" Ophelia asked incredulously.

Madame Maxime smiled "Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy is one of the safest schools for you to seek refuge in, perhaps even much safer than Beauxbatons. The school has an extremely powerful aashield protecting it from outsiders, they provide excellent classes in combating the dark arts. Besides, you are too bright for Beauxbatons, I always knew you would reach places."

Ophelia's heart sunk to her stomach, the thought of leaving the only home she has ever known did not sit right with her. She did not wish to leave Felix and Alice, those two had become like family to her within her two years of being at this school.

If it was true that Dimitrov had begun to catch up with Ophelia, then she had no other choice but to transfer to a different location. She could not physically fathom the thought of returning to a cage to be tortured and made into a weapon for war, she'd be damned if she allowed herself to return to that wretched place.

Ophelia let out a shaky breath, "I don't think I have a choice in the matter really, when do I have to leave?"

"I shall inform Dumbledore of your decision, we will arrange your transport to hogsmaede within three days."

As Madame Maxime got up to leave, Ophelia sunk into her bed sheets.

'Is this what will become of my life?' she thought.


Ophelia had made her way down to the dining hall for dinner.

She was nervous about delivering the news of her departure to Felix and Alice, a part of her wished she could stay in Beauxbatons.

She caught site of Alice Delacour's blonde hair and made her way to the table, she sat down next to Alice.

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