Chapter 3

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Ophelia awaited Tom's arrival for the anticipated school tour after dinner had ended.

She heard footsteps behind her and was met with Tom Riddle's tall figure, "I see you are ready for the tour, I must warn you not to wander off as dangerous creatures may lurk outside the school walls at this time."

Ophelia thought his warning to be insulting and condescending, "I know," Retorted Ophelia.

Annoyance seemed to flash Tom's eyes for a second, but he quickly masked it with a stoic face.

As they began walking down the stairs, Tom opened his mouth to make a statement. "The students all seem to be shocked after finding out your name,"

Ophelia had known that he was indirectly prying for information on her life. "Were they?" She bit back.

Tom seemed rather annoyed at her disallowing him from gaining access to information of her life. Though he did not try to pry further; as he knew he had other sources and ways of finding out the information he wished to know.

Ophelia felt someone trying to invade her mind, she put up defenses to stop whoever it was from gaining access to her thoughts.

She looked up at Tom and saw a look of annoyance etched on his face, "That will not work on me, Riddle."

Despite not being able to get the information out of Ophelia herself, Tom knew he could ask his acolytes about it or command them to keep a close eye on her to gain access to the information he wanted.

The school tour had gone by rather awkwardly, Ophelia was glad that it was over.

They both returned to the dungeons and had gone back to their dorms by the end of the night.


News of Ophelia's transference to hogwarts had travelled across the school like wildfire.

Tom had approached Abraxas once everyone left for breakfast in the morning, and they were the only ones left in the common room.

"Malfoy, tell me what all the commotion with the new girl is about," The way Tom phrased it sounded more like a command than a question.

"The girl went missing 13 years ago, the entirety of Britain was looking for her. It was suspected that she was taken by a powerful dark wizard so he may use her as a pawn in a war that he wishes to wage,"

"Why would anyone choose her of all people?" Pressed Tom.

"She is a powerful witch, she possesses a power much darker than anyone can imagine. The prophecy says that her powers will be used to lead destruction if placed in the wrong hands," Replied Malfoy.

Tom had grown intrigued with the information he just found out about Ophelia. He began plotting for all possible ways he could make use of her powers for his own selfish gain, though some of the methods he wished to incorporate to make her submit to him seemed rather immoral. He did not care for what was considered to be moral or not, he only cared if he got what he wanted in the end.

He began dissecting all the possible ways he could get her submission. He could get his followers to get close to her and find out more information on her, which he can then use to get her submission. Perhaps his followers can gain her trust, and offer her a drink which put her body to sleep temporarily and Tom may be able to use occulmency to invade her mind while all of her guards are down. That way, he'd be able to know as much as he desired about her so he can later on use it to force her to submit to him.

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