Chapter 2

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Ophelia had awoken far earlier than she needed to be on the day of her departure.

She did not know what to expect of hogwarts despite hearing great tales of it, it was a world far beyond the ones she has known all her life.

She had spent the extra time she had in the morning writing down in her journal and looking over the syllabus in hogwarts to catch up to a month of missed lessons.

She was scheduled to depart in the afternoon, which gave her time to get ready and bid her friends a final farewell in the morning.

She was already fully dressed in her Hogwarts robes and was carrying her trunk, her departure was supposed to be via the floo network. She was sat in Madame Maxime's office awaiting Dumbledore's arrival so he may escort her to Hogwarts.

Ophelia heard the sound of the door creaking, "Ah, I see you're ready to go to hogwarts." A male voice spoke.

Ophelia's head turned towards the direction of the door, and a bearded man who look to be in his late 40's who she presumed to be Albus Dumbledore was standing at the door frame.

There was a moment of silence before Dumbledore spoke, "I see you must have a great deal of questions, we shall transport outside the school grounds at Three broomsticks. I will walk you through the events which will occur today and do my best to respond to any enquiries you may have."

Ophelia reluctantly nodded her head as a response.

They both began walking towards the fireplace in the corner of Madame Maxime's office, Dumbledore grabbed a handful of black sand and dropped the grain of sand to the floor.

A green light engulfed both of their frames, darkness and lightheadedness temporarily clouded their vision.

Their visions began to clear of darkness, in front of them was an empty tavern. The chairs and tables were mostly made out of wood, a counter which serves had empty bottles atop it could be seen in the corner of the tavern.

"Welcome to Hogsmaede, Miss Greengrass." Said Albus Dumbledore.

Ophelia relished in the calm and peaceful aura of the three broomsticks, something about it brought a sense of serenity deep within her soul.

Albus walked towards a nearby table and pulled out a chair as if motioning for Ophelia to sit down. Once Ophelia sat down, Dumbledore took a seat in the opposite direction of Ophelia.

"I will walk you through the events which will take place today and guide you, I will do my best to answer any enquiries you may have." Said Dumbledore.

Ophelia nodded her head slowly as if to tell Dumbledore to continue.

"First of all, you will be sorted into a house by the sorting hat. Then, you will be given a school tour by the head of your house, he will also escort you to your dorms and help you settle into your new home. You may ask him any questions about Hogwarts if you wish to. Do you have any questions?"

"What prompted you to suggest my transference to hogwarts to Madame Maxime?" Asked Ophelia.

Dumbledore let out a small chuckle, "All will reveal itself in due time, dear."

The way he uttered that sentence made it sound like a double edged sword, almost as though he knew something she did not.

Ophelia did not pry for further information as she knew it was of no use.


Both of them had left Hogsmaede and began walking to the castle, Ophelia was in awe at the colossal size of the school.

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