Chapter 5

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Ophelia was getting ready for her first dinner at the Slug Club. She wore a casual short-sleeve mid-length red dress to the part, she decided to let her hair down for the dinner.

"You seem as though you're going somewhere else for dinner," Commented Amara.

"I have a meeting with the Slug club," Replied Ophelia.

"My friends are in that club,"

Ophelia stared at Amara, "Really? How is it? It's my first meeting,"

Amara shrugged, "They all said it's quite boring,"

"Oh, well I best get going," Said Ophelia.

Ophelia made her way down to the common room to exit the dungeon and go to the meeting.

The walk to the meeting was not as long as Ophelia anticipated, she knocked on the door to the meeting a few times before Professor Slughorn welcomed her in.

"Ah, come on in." He voiced enthusiastically.

A circular shaped table with all sorts of food on top of it. A couple of familiar faces were already sat at the table, she wasn't surprised to see that Riddle was a part of the Slug club as she had noticed how much professor Slughorn was fond of the boy. However, she did not expect to see Mclaggen seated at the table.

"Have a seat, Ms. Greengrass." Spoke Professor Slughorn.

Ophelia gave him a small smile and scanned for empty seats, the only empty seat happened to be  the one next to McLaggen's.

She looked towards McLaggen's direction and saw him eyeing her with a smirk plastered on his face, she pressed her lips together into a thin line before taking a seat next to McLaggen.

Slughorn went to take a seat after ensuring that everyone was seated, "Go on," He motioned towards the food sitting on top of the table.

Ophelia did not neglect to acknowledge the fact that she was the only woman in his club, she began eating the soup in front of her.

"This is your last year as students, I assume a lot of you have plans after you finish school." Slughorn voiced as an attempt to start a conversation.

"I want to complete my training to become a professional quidditch player," Responded Maclaggin with his mouth full of food.

"Ah!" Responded Professor Slughorn.

He turned to Riddle, "Do you have any plans after graduating hogwarts, Mr. Riddle?"

"I'm hoping to get a job as a purchasing agent after Hogwarts," Riddle managed to keep an expressionless face as he replied.

"Your brain is far too brilliant to be utilized in fields such as being a purchasing agent, no?" Asked Professor Slughorn.

Ophelia could understand Professor Slughorn's point, it did not occur to her why someone with abilities and skills as clever as Riddle's would waste their brains on such fields. Riddle was perfectly capable of obtaining a high position job in the ministry if he pleased, Riddle came off to her as someone who had large ambitions and high expectations for his future. If he truly wished to get a job as a purchasing agent, it does not make any sense why he would tire himself to achieve awards and maintain high grades in school. This only further perpetuated Ophelia's suspicion of Riddle's sinister plans and intentions.

"I wish to have free reign to use my magic, any other job would not allow me to have that privilege." Responded Riddle.

The old professor just nodded his head in the boy's direction before looking at Ophelia, "What about you, Ms. Greengrass?"

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