Chapter 4

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Ophelia was sat at the front of the class next to a ravenclaw girl named Veronica.

Professor Slughorn was providing students with necessary steps to conjure a luck potion. Ophelia allowed her brain to wander off as she already knew how a Felix Felicis potion is created through her prior readings during her time in isolation.

Something about her last interaction with Riddle stirred an uneasy feeling deep within her gut like a mixture beginning to form at the top of the pan when placed on a hot stove, she did not know the causation of the uneasy feeling. But a large part of her felt as though listening to her instincts was the wiser option, though Ophelia still could not arrive at a conclusion on why this feeling was a reoccurring theme in her conversations with Tom.

"Now, you replicate a Felix Felicis potion," Voiced Slughorn.

Veronica looked at Ophelia, "I will go and grab the ingredients,"

Ophelia nodded in response.

Veronica had returned to the table a minute later with the ingredients, they began adding in the ingredients.

Veronica was about to cut the beans with her silver knife, "You're not supposed to cut it," Jumped in Ophelia.

Veronica's features were etched with confusion, "That's what it says in the textbook,"

"Believe me, it must have been some sort of error in the author's brain when writing this chapter,"

Veronica looked as though she did not believe Ophelia, but allowed her to take the beans and silver knife.

Ophelia crushed the beans with the silver knife before proceeding to pour it into the mixture and stirring it in the counter-clockwise direction thrice.

The liquid's colour began changing to a gold colour.

Veronica looked at Ophelia in astonishment, "Greengrass, you're a bloody genius!"

Ophelia smiled at the girl's compliment, "You're too kind,"

"No, even Mr. Know it all who rarely fails to replicate a potion is struggling," Replied the black-haired girl whilst pointing towards Tom's direction.

Ophelia laughed at Veronica's nickname for Tom before looking towards Riddle's direction, she could see frustration plastered on his face at his inability to replicate felix felicis.

Professor Slughorn was walking around the class to ensure everything was going smoothly, he stopped at Ophelia and Veronica's table.

"Well done Ms. Greengrass and Ms. Davies!" Said Professor Slughorn enthusiastically.

"10 points to Slytherin and Ravenclaw," He added.

Ophelia could feel eyes staring into the side of her head, she looked to her left and saw Riddle's annoyed eyes.

"As a reward, You will both be awarded one vial of Felix felicis each." Said Slughorn holding up two vials of Felix felicis.

He handed the vials to Ophelia and Veronica. the whole class clapped as they took the vials.

Professor Slughorn looked towards Ophelia before whispering to her, "Could you please stay for a minute after class?"

Ophelia gave the professor a light smile and nodded her head in response.

"Class is over for today, we shall learn about the draught of living death."

After everyone had departed for their next classes, professor Slughorn sat behind his table. "Please have a seat,"

Ophelia sat in the chair, "Do you require any assistance?"

"Not at all. I just thought that after seeing your outstanding performance in potions, You would make a great member of the Slug club,"

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