Chapter 7

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Classes resumed throughout the week, and Wednesday rolled around the corner.

The knights of Walpurgis all gathered around the black lake as scheduled to discuss progress along Riddle's plans.

They all gathered there as soon as classes ended, the knights didn't manage to make any progress in the plans.

"I'm glad you're here today," Voiced Riddle.

He reached for something inside his robes, and pulled out a newspaper, "Do any of you happen to know who the man featured on the headlines of the daily prophet is?"

"I saw him once in one of my father's business meetings," Spoke Abraxas.

A triumphant smirk lit up Tom's face, "What do you know about this man?"

"He works for an Eastern European wizard whose name I do not quite recall, I believe it was Diemitri or something along the lines of that," Replied Abraxas.

"Dimitrov," Came Orion's sudden response.

Tom looked towards Orion's direction, "Speak,"

"Not many have seen what he looks like, but I've heard his name before. Most people in Eastern Europe are petrified at the mere mention of his name due to his reign of terror,"

This little piece of information piqued Tom's curiosity as to why Ophelia looked terrified upon seeing the man's face despite having no known connections to Romania.

The girl had been missing and presumably out of the country for more than a decade, no one had known where she was during those years. She also happened to be proficient in Romanian, and has used spells Tom recognised to be spells often used amongst dark Eastern European wizards and witches.

This all leads him to believe that Ophelia's sudden fear of the man on the daily prophet was due to her being under his wing during the years where she was deemed missing. Otherwise, the spells she used and the years where there were no traces of her left on this earth would be inexplicable.

"Excellent," Spoke Tom with a smirk on his face.

"My lord, may I ask what it is that you have discovered?" Asked Julius.

Adonis gave Julius a look which was as though he was telling him to remain quiet, Julius ignored Adonis's demand.

Tom knew his question was partially due to his concern for the girl, and partially due to his Curiosity.

"That is none of your concern,"

Julius sighed in defeat, he knew that no matter how much he drilled Tom about what he knew, he would never budge.

"You're all dismissed," Added Riddle.

Julius knew that whatever Riddle discovered just made him a step closer to using Ophelia as he wishes, he knew that Tom did not view the girl as anything but a weapon used for destruction and achieving his goals.

They all scrambled back to the castle.

Adonis smacked the back of Julius's head, "Ow!
what was that for?"

"For behaving like a lovesick idiot and not listening to me,"

"It's not my fault," Bit back Julius.

They returned to the castle just before it got dark.

Ophelia was trying her best to catch up on schoolwork in the library before dinner, she managed to complete a chapter before it got dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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