Chapter 1 : the tragedy of prosperity: daily life : part 3

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Chapter 1 : the tragedy of prosperity: daily life : part 3

Day : 4

I woke up I was tried from last night I stayed up a lot thinking about the motive... but I shouldn't Focus on that or at least I'll try not to but nevertheless I got up and changed for the day and I lit a candle in my room and headed to the cafeteria and Celeste was in the cafeteria and said "oh hello Sora why don't you join us for breakfast remember the party is at 12 just a couple hours from now I've been getting the beach ready laying out towels umbrellas and making snacks for everyone!" And I said "oh good I'll be looking forward too it"

So then I took a seat and ate my breakfast I didn't really talk today I didn't want to my mind was focused on the motive still.. . But later I finished my food and just decided to go back to my room for some more rest k didn't want to talk to anyone right now and once I got to my room I just layed in my bed and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't I just didn't one the one person I cared about on my life to die I wouldn't let them even if it came to... no... no I couldn't but I won't let the one person I care about in my life die I wouldn't


That's who I'll kill I'll kill shiro so my one family member will live I'll kill that weird bitch... but I had realized all this time I had been thinking about it, it turned to 12 now at the party was my time to strike I got up out of bed and headed to the party I grabbed a purse that I had found in the dresser they gave me in my room and I headed to the beach their I found everyone except shiro and Kai and Celeste came up to me and said oh hello Sora! I'm glad you could make it feel free to relax anywhere or do something ahah! Everyone is having a good time" and I said "sure I'll do something I promise ahah!"

And then I sat next to Riki on the beach and I said to her "pretty day isn't it?"and she said "yea I guess so at least for a killing game" I was hanging out with Riki and being xtra nice so I have an alibi I didn't want to manipulate her but I had too for my brother... and then a little bit later tsumugi brought back a plate of drinks for all of us it was lemonade and mostly everyone got some I drank all of mine and Riki offered her's to me because she couldn't drink all of hers so I drank hers too it was very good!

And then later Riki said "sorry Sora I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back very soon"And I said "okay bye!" Then she left and I knew it was my time to strike I went into the beach house and went to the kitchen of it their was a knife block I grabbed a knife and put it in my purse and I came over to shiro on the beach and said "shiro i know you hate me for some reason but can we please talk this out or will you talk to me at least privately?" And shiro said "fine.. I'll talk lead the way" and I took shiro to my room and closed the door and I said "why do you treat me this way shiro? Why!? What did I do" and shiro said "oh I can't tell you but I know what your trying to do I'm not stupid but I won't let you die just yet I promise" and she smiled and I said what? Amd then she snatched my purse from me she pulled the knife out and SLASH!
I woke up on I was in so much pain I wanted to rip my leg out she stabbed me in the leg! She had left the room and left me in here to die... I was bleeding out quick I needed to get someone's attention and I remembered this morning I had lit a candle I knocked down the dresser and the candle feel to the floor I used to flame of the candle to set the door on fire the door was set ablaze and then I heard voices as smoke filled up the room and I fainted again...

16 remain???

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