Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : daily life : part 2

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Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : daily life : part 2

Day : 7

I woke up looking at the clock I had slept in, a lot! It was already 11:00 but not like it mattered not like I had ever anything to do ever... but I decided to go back to sleep again I didn't really want to get up today I was just so tired I don't know why? Maybe I was just tired of living and dealing with this shit! This stupid killing game... why... I just wanted to leave...  but eventually I feel back asleep

- flashback? Flash forward? Other? -

? - the hospital's Fluorescent buzzing lights was making my headache even worse than it already was about worrying about him... I've heard of things happen like these and it's rare people come back from these I mean I was there will I be okay? I'm okay right? I guess we will see... the doctor came out of the room "Hey I got some bad news... At his current state I don't think he is going to make it... he has just such a severe case of this that hasn't been treated for so long it has reached his brain and once it's reached someone's brain they are stuck in a vegetated state I'm not sure if he will be able to understand you because his condition is unknown but you can go inside and say your final words to him this might be your last chance... I'm so sorry..." I rushed into the room not wasting one minute pushing past the doctor and running into the room seeing his mutilated body of someone I knew so well it hurt my heart I felt physical pain I COULDNT LET HIM DIE i carefully pushed past the 50 tubes connected to his body and got to his side and in tears I said "Please @#$&*#. DONT LEAVE ME I'm sorry I should have seen it earlier I thought you'd be okay I thought I always wanted the best for you! ALWAYS! please don't die on me I love you... please... don't... die...

- flashback? Flash forward? Other? - Over

I finally woke up it was now 12:00 I was very hungery for not eating for so long so once I got up and changed I headed toward the kitchen and saw gundam and kamakura eating lunch and I sat next to them and said "Hello do you mind if I eat with you?" And kamakura said "sure" so I got of whatever remained from breakfast and sat next to them and I said "So I assume you all saw the new section of the island I know gundam did, did you kamakura?" And he said "yes actually I'm glad we were able to unlock more new things hopefully they will let us escape tho I'm not sure how we can still hope right?"

And I said "Yea! But there was something I saw yesterday that I wanted to talk about near the small fishing hut there was a river and in that river where fish and on both sides of the river there was a tunnel where the water came in and out and there where fish in the water so I think the tunnel leads to the ocean we might be able to escape..." and gundam said "I understand but things really are never that easy and I would know and, with the security of this place an exit like that would be to easy" And kamakura said "Yea but still why would fish be in the lake?" And gundam said "well maybe they put them there, there really can be any amount of reasons" and I said "yea but we should check just in case do you want to come with me?" And gundam said "you know what I'll come but I doubt it's am exit"

So me and gundam, headed over to the second section and over to the fishing hut where the tunnel was and once we got there I said "See there are fishing swimming in and out through the tunnels but the tunnels are covered in iron bars if only we could move the bars" and gundam said we should at least look inside of it so we peered though the tight iron bars and saw a long brick tunnel we could see much but at the end of the tunnel I was light water! The tunnel connected to the ocean if only we could break these bars...

And I said "It's connect to the ocean we should break the bars!" And gundam said "Wow it's actually the ocean yea we should!" So then me and gundam started pulling on one of the loser bars and once it bent just a little we hard a massive bang and we looked inside of the tunnel again and there was no light anymore something had detected the bars moving so it sealed the exit... and I said "Ugh! Fuck! The doors locked!" And gundam said "yea... unfortunate." And I said "well thsnks for coming with me at least" and he said "yea sure I guess I'll go now... goodbye" and he went away.

Then I was there alone standing at the gate let down so I just headed to the dinning hall since it was getting late and once I arrived I saw the other 13 participants in the dinning hall so I took a seat and ate my food quietly while everyone else talked and I was going to put up my food to throw it away since I was done but then out of nowhere kumeko appeared...

Kumeko : Well hello cast we are looking a bit smaller! Who is missing!? Oh yes! Reko and Voilet forgot about them! Didn't they die or something? I don't care well! I have some very special news for you all!" Special news I thought this can't be good.. I can't have mine or my family's line put on the line because of some stupid motive she made up... "Well the special news I have for you all is!!! A motive!" Shit.... A motive... what did she want this time... please just keep my family safe... and she said "Amd this motive being secrets! I will each randomly give you a piece of paper on this piece of paper is someone's secret it won't have a name on it but it's someone's! So please come to this box and pull out a piece of paper and see what secret you get! And these secrets only belong to surviving members of the group so, Reko and Voilet don't count since they are dead!"

So then we formed a line to pull out a secret from the box she had and in line everyone seemed worried but all I was thinking about was, what my secret might be I mean I really don't have one? But I'll guess someone's gotta get mine... eventually everyone had pulled out a paper except me so I went over to the box and reached my hand in and pulled out a piece of paper then kumeko said "Okay everyone you have yours secrets and the new motive! Good-luck and start killing!

Then once kumeko disappeared kaito said "Everyone! Please don't open your secret opening it will only make the group more vulnerable and possibly cause someone to murder I know we don't want to belive it but it has happened once amd can happen again so please don't open your secrets! And Shiro said "Oh come on we know at least half of us are gonna open these when we get to our rooms you can't wait to open these I know you wanna find out someone's secret here I'll open this one!" Kaito said "No! Please don't!" But it was to late shiro already opened the small folded piece of paper and read it aloud "Okay it says, one person is this group is lying about something surrounding their ultimate talent! Ooo who could it be?"

Everyone looked around the room looking or someone who looked suspicious someone who they possibly thought was lying and Kaito said "This is what kumeko wants us to get rallied up don't read your secrets!" And tsumugi said "Umm... yea I agree with Kaito don't open these it just seems like a bad idea all-around" and gundam said "But? Who is the one lying about there talent obviously it's one of us!" And kamakura said "I mean we don't even know if these are true kumeko could just be lying to us to get us to murder it's what she wants for some reason?"

And Kai said "Yea I doubt these are even true why would someone need to hide the fact about there ultimate talent?" And Hana said "you dimwits! Maybe because there real ultimate is something truly evil! Horrible! Disgusting! And they want to hide it." And Toru said "you said that like you enjoyed it..." and Hana said "Yes I did! Finally some action in this hellhole"  and Kaito said "everyone! It's late we need to stop fighting please just go to your rooms now but please... don't open your secrets we don't need to know them it only hurts the group..."

So then everyone decided to head back to there dorms and so did I and once I got to my dorm I sat the thin piece of paper on my desk and just sat in bed thinking... do I really want to open this I mean I won't tell anyone about it just just wanna look at it again I won't tell anyone I promised myself so I grabbed the paper off my desk and slowly opened it and it read

Secret : 10
"One person among your group is the mastermind responsible for creating the game you are in."

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