Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : deadly life : part 5

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Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : deadly life : part 5

"AHHHHH" I couldn't belive what I was seeing and Kai said "What the fuck happened here!" Then behind us we heard footsteps so we turned around and saw tsumugi and kamakura standing in the doorway and tsumugi said "Hey! What happened we heard screaming are you oka- AHHHH WHAT HAPPENED!" She pushed past us to get a good look at the body and said "it happened again? What..." then kamakura said "What? We were just outside... tsumugi tripped on something I was helping her up we where laughing and then now gundams dead!? Why things must go from good to horrible!
Then over the intercom we heard kumeko

Ding dong ding ding!

"A body has been discovered everyone please report to the red barn on the right side of the path thank you!"

Ding dong ding ding.

Then soon everyone arrived at the barn...
Then shiro said "Good well looks like a killing took place again a shocker but not really..." I just didn't know what to think we had to go into a trial again our lifes had to be put at stake again and one of our friends has to be executed or we all die!?!? I just couldn't belive it, this can't be happening again!

And Hana said "Wait we have to go into another trial! Ughhh! I hate those things" and kaito said "that's probably why they are there." And maki said "It is most logical to begin to investigation if this is like the last case we only have a certain time frame to search" and Celeste said in tears "... How do you expect us to investigate our friend has been murdered... again!!!" And maki said "Well I understand that but our lifes are on the lifes here I'm sorry..." and I said "I don't want to investigate but I agree if we wanna live we should and I'm sure we all do... so let's just get to investigating alright...?"

It was still hard for me to focus I was talking but it didn't feel real life didn't feel real but eventually everyone dispersed or was looking around the barn so I thought I should investigate even tho I really didn't want too...

Investigation : start!

I first started to look at gundams body it was clear he had fell from the ceiling and the thing pulling him up was two large hooks so I carefully looked at his arms and I saw that the culprit placed the hooks towards the middle of his arms but then we fell they where push back towards the end of his arms practically ripping them both in half...

And connected to those hooks was two ropes and they headed up to a large wooden beam connected to both sides of the barn and I could access it through claiming up one of the ladders headed to the second open roof overlooking the first so I decided to go up the right ladder but one of the wooden beams was broken on it so I decided to use the other one since it would be more safe and when I climbed up I saw that there was two knots on the rope most likely keeping him hanging when we first arrived and then those two ropes formed into one and it headed to the side of the barn and into the wall I tried to look inside but I couldn't?

So then I decided to climb back down and I was exiting the barn when all the sudden I saw something in the hay barrels inside of the barn so I walked up to the hay barrel and saw two smaller hooks stuck inside of the barrel strange? So then I finally decided to leave the barn and headed over to the greenhouse since it was right next door and while looking around I saw practically half the plants that had been in the greenhouse carelessly torn out the whole greenhouse was a mess! And while looking in the trash I saw serval things I found serval glass containers and a red solo cup strange I thought? And while looking at the back corner I saw that the back side doors to not only the greenhouse but the red barn where wide open was someone in a rush?

While at the side of the red barn I saw that the hose had been slightly pulled out on the side of the barn it wasn't on or wet nor the surroundings but it was just pulled out a little strange?

Then I decided to go over to the second red barn where the farm was where I knew there could hooks there and when I was walking up to the building I saw a shattered glass container just like the ones I saw in the trash! And when I went inside I saw that two small hooks where missing and two biger hooks where missing from the wall in the barn and well I knew where they are now it is nice to know it came from here

And then Miriam came up to me and said "Hey sora I just wanted to tell you something I saw earlier" and I said, "yea what is that?" And she said, " well earlier I was at this barn and I saw gundam come inside and he came out with two small hooks I'm not sure why tho I just thought it might help?" And I said "Oh well thanks your account might help us!" And she said "Well I hope..." and she walked off strange tho why would gundam get hooks that where later found at the scene of his own death...
But then I heard kumeko over the intercom

Ding dong ding ding!

"Everyone the invesgstion time is over please repot to the center room for the trial!"

Ding dong ding ding.

Investigation: over.

Then I decided to head over to the center room where I meet the other 12 participants everyone was mostly quiet until Hana said "Do we really have to do this again! Why did one of you idiots murder again!" And tsumugi said "we aren't sure who did it that is what the trial is for sadly we will have to execute the culprit..." and miran said "Yes we already know that either 12 of us or 1 of us dies down there it's impossible to avoid it..." then suddenly the middle of the room opened and an elevator appeared...

This is it I thought anothor trial must begin if we like it or not we have to find out this killer... mine amd others lifes are at stake but why did someone have to murder again!? Who's secret could be so bad they had to kill someone for it I mean maybe my secret i received but I told nobody so I can't be that! Well it's too late to worry about that now we need to worry about the trial...

So then I got into the elevator with everyone else and it started to descend it was almost 100% quite if it wasn't for the racketing of the elevator but eventually we arrived back inside the trial room... the doors opened and we where underwater once more it's really ironic such a beautiful trial room underwater you can see fish swimming by but it's there for such a cruel reason... well,nevertheless I got into my podium and the trial of life and death began...

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