Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : daily life : part 1

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Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : daily life : part 1

Day : 6

I woke up...
I still had a headache from last nights events trying to ignore what happened but it was hard to ignore what happened seeing Reko my friend being murdered and voilet tho I didn't know her very well seeing someone being tortured like that it hurt and knowing that could happen to me... no it won't... I got up and remembered I was still in yesterday's clothes so I quickly changed and got ready for the day

and first headed towards the cafeteria like usual where I took a seat and sat down I was early or maybe everyone was late still sleeping or still up from last nights events but Celeste and Miran where cooking in the kitchen the most cheery ones no doubt and Miran said to me "oh hello Sora how are you feeling okay? And your leg?" And I said "it's alright it's slightly better..." that was a lie it hurt horribly so I just sat down for now then soon gundam and tsumugi arrived and sat down next to me

and gundam said "Hey Sora it looked like on one of the vault doors had unlocked?" And I said "unlocked? Was it open?" And he said "no it wasn't open but it was definitely unlocked I saw the handle had been twisted and unlocked" and I said "really! We should check it out after breakfast" and he said "yea! But why would a door be unlocked now and what could be behind it?" And I said "I don't know why it would be unlocked let's just hope it's something good" soon Celeste and Miran where done making the food and I quickly ate it and headed over to the vault door what could be behind it an exit? Please! No i doubt it... but hopefully a new chance to escape or figure out what is going on here...

Then Me,Gundam, and tsumugi headed over to the vault door and once we got their tsumugi said "okay I guess I'll open it stand back just in so then me and gundam took a step back and the tsumugi slowly opened the vault door and an over whelping brightness disrupted my vision and when I opened my eyes I saw a massive grass feild it had to be at least 4 times biggest than the last section but it still had massive walls on each side and their where several buildings in the felid and behind the door kumeko was waiting for us and she said,

"Welcome you three as reward for successfully finding out voilet as the culprit you have been rewarded with a new section of the island feel free to explore!" And I said "Really a whole new section?" And kumeko said "yep! Lots of new areas to murder in! You should get on with it!" And gundam said "Hell no!" And kuemko said "Oh well I tried.... Well goodbye now and go explore!" Then she disappeared so I began to explore this significantly larger section and the first building I see a fishing shack near a river yea this section was huge it even had its own river! I walked into the old wooden stack it didn't have much all it had was really small fishing hooks and bait I saw fish swimming n the stream I didn't want to catch any tho... we have had enough death already around here tho I presence of life other than my own species gave me hope maybe that however these fish got here they can escape as well and so can we I hope?

The next building I decided to look at was a red barn it was very large and had serval tractors and machinery in it such as hoes plows and hooks and it also had a small farm next to it growing some type of fruit? And in the next building it was another red barn just across from the other one but inside this one was pins of animals but their where on animals and their was also a latter that headed to a railing going all around the barn and also across the middle as some type of viewing platform I'm really not sure what it is used for and right next to the barn was horse stables and again they where empty but their where tracks of horse shoes on the mud just nothing was there? The ground was very muddy so I decided to head away from there and head over to the last building I hadn't explored and I was a large green house lined with rows and rows of plants probably the biggest green house I had ever seen. Granted I hadn't seen many but nevertheless it was big!

Then I headed all the way down to the end of the path and unlike the first section there was on beach the grass just ended the a short brick wall separated us from the water but of course machine guns lined the tall towers above so we could never use the ocean to escape then I realized it was getting late after all this exploring and I headed to my room I wasn't that hungry so I skipped dinner but it was nice to know there where more areas for us to see but those fish really kept me up how did they get here? And if they got here from the ocean dose that mean there is a way to escape?


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