Chapter 1 : the tragedy of prosperity: deadly life : part 6

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Chapter 1 : the tragedy of prosperity: deadly life : part 6

Trial 01

Truth bullets:
1 vent taken off (on both sides)
2 bloody knife
3 slit on Reko's neck
4 blood shot eyes
5 cleaning cart (everything removed except sheet)
6 blood on cleaning cart (bottom rack)
7 open cabinets (in medical office)
8 medicine moved and knocked over
9 empty glass
10 oven trays taken out
11 blood stain in oven
12 cold oven

Trial begin!

Kumeko : Now, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial your votes will determine the results if you can figure out the culprit then they will only receive punishment but! If you pick the wrong person everyone is punished but the culprit.
Ren : so this is the trial?
Maki : indeed and we must find the culprit our lifes are at stake!
Shiro : well most of ours if we vote wrong we must look out for the liar of the group
Me : that's bold of you to say to tried to kill me!
Tsumugi : What!?
Me : shiro tried to stab me in my room!
Shiro : oh did I I forgot about that!
Me : I assume some of you all where confused about the fire in my room so here is what happened me and shiro where in my room when shiro grabbed a knife and stabbed me in the leg I fainted and woke up I couldn't get anyone's attention so I knocked over the dresser and their was a candle on it and it lit the door on fire and I woke up in the medical office okay
Toru : yes and when I the fire started me, maki and tsumugi took her to the office and I stitched her up!
Me : so shiro do you have anything to say?
Shiro : don't lie to them...
Shiro : go on tell them what happened before the two of us where in your room? Go on,
Me : well I told shiro to come to my room because I wanted to talk to her
Shiro : you keep avoiding what reslly happened so I'll say it shiro tried to kill me I did stab her but I got the knife from her purse right Sora?
Me : yea
Gundam : What!?
Me : fine I'll stop the act I tried to kill shiro
Kaito : what!?
Me : I took a knife from the beach house and put it in my purse I invited shiro over to my room to 'talk' to her but really to kill her and she took the knife from my purse and you all know what happens after that
Kaito : so you both tried to kill each other?
Me : you can put it that way yes..
Hana : hold on I get that but that doesn't matter now we are trying to solve Reko's murder not sora's attempted
Voilet : speaking of Reko's murder the knife,
Voilet : could the one that shiro used to stab Sora but the same one the culprit used to stab Reko?
Miran : are you saying it's the same knife?
Toru : well I don't think so because when me, maki and tsumugi where taking Sora away from the fire the knife was still in the room
Voilet : who says someone couldn't have gone back in and picked it up?
Voilet : I still think they are the same knife I'm sure of it!
Me : No that's wrong!
Me : I don't think they are the same knife because if they where the same knife their would be two types of blood on the knife dried and wet the dried blood wound be mine while the wet blood would be Reko's and their where was only wet blood
Voilet : oh well...
Kamakura : well first talking about the knife we should start with what was the murder weapon right?
Celeste : yea it's the knife right?
Kai : I mean I would assume it is the knife why else would the killer slit Reko's neck?
Tsumugi : I understand you logic but why would her eyes be bloodshot like that and I know that happens normally but why where her eyes blood shot for so long?
Miran : maybe because she was posiened
Gundam : posiened why would they kill her like that?
Toru : I'm not sure but I agree with Miran I think she was poisoned
Toru : because when we took sora's body into the medical office the cabinets where opened and bottles had been messed with and the culprit could have made some type of posien with those medicines
Kamakura : oh yea you're right... what if she died to poison?
Hana : idiots! She didn't die to poison why would the killer stab her in the neck then for the heck of it?
Me : maybe because they wanted to take attention away from the blood shot eyes if we saw no marks on her body we would immediately know she was poisoned
Voilet : well then the killer is obviously tsumugi the only one who would know how to make some type of poison because she is the ultimate herbalist!
Tsumugi : What! I didn't poison her!
Celeste : yea she is the only one who would know how to make a poison
Kai : so is it you tsumugi?
Tsumugi : no obviously not I was at the kitchen practally the whole time basically the only time I left was to give you all food and drinks or use the bathroom voilet was with me right voilet?
Voilet : yes that's true she never left the kitchen I don't belive it's her
Kamakura : just because she didn't leave doesn't mean she couldn't have posiened Reko you know the drinks she gave us she probably posiened Reko's drink!
Me : No that's wrong!
Me : her drink was definitely not posiened because I drank it!
Ren : you drank Reko's drink? Why?
Me : well she drank some of her drink but she didn't want to have all of it so she gave it to me so if it was poisoned I would be dead too!
Kamakura : okay so her drink was not posiened
Me : so can we agree that the murder weapon was poison right?
Maki : yes
Hana : fine
Kamakura : sure
Kai : so now that we know that she was poisoned how did she take it?
Me : well I found a empty glass in the kitchen I thought tsumugi cleaned everything up but a glass was still out the culprit could have put something in that
Tsumugi : actually yea I do remember I glass being left on the table I assumed it was someone else's so I left it be but now that I think about it, it could be how she died
Kaito : so the killer used the longest spand of time they had when tsumugi left the kitchen to posien the drink and make Reko drink it
Me : I suppose so
Tsumugi : but I wasn't gone that long where could have they hidden the body when I came back?
Ren : possibly the oven
Gundam : the oven?
Ren : yes I think it was the oven if you remember that the trays where taken out and their was certainly enough room for a body in their
Me : and their where also blood stains in their possibly from Reko's drooling blood mouth...
Ren : yes most likely that is where they put the body and the oven was cold so they definitely where not using it
Celeste : but from the oven how did they move the body did they carry it?
Me : no that's wrong!
Me : I don't think they carried her I think they used a cleaning cart to move her because if you remember the cleaning cart I found was completely empty except the white sheet covering the bottom part was still over it what if the killer put the body on the bottom of the cleaning cart and used the white sheet to hide it
Voilet : I guess that would also explain the blood stain as well
Gundam : yes but how did the body get in the electrical room the door was locked right?
Voilet : shiro must have unlocked it because she is the killer there is only one key and she has it!
Ren : well this could be true it was locked and only shiro had the key shiro? Any comments
Shiro : while it is true i had the key for the electrical room I never unlocked it
Voilet : then how did the body get in the room?
Shiro : come on voilet use your head aren't there any other entrances?
Voilet : no?
Hana : idiot! The vent!
Shiro : their we go someone with something of a brain
Hana : bitch!
Me : so you're saying the culprit used the vent to put the body in the electrical room?
Shiro : yes that's why the vent gate was broken off
Maki : and the reason they put the body in the electrical room is because y wanted to delay the time of finding the body so the culprit could make an alibi
Me : most likely yes
Voilet : so once the culprit put the body in the electrical room they used a knife to slit their throat to confuse us?
Me : yep
Hana : okay so what? We've figured out the case and how it played out we still don't know the killer!
Maki : I think we should be suspicious of someone who was around knifes and whole time because we know the culprit used to knife in the crime
Kaito : I'm sorry voilet but you two were in the kitchen while tsumugi was delivering the drinks and that's when we think the culprit posiened the drinks...
Voilet : What so? You could be wrong?
Me : no im pretty sure they case is right you where in the kitchen alone and a little bit after tsumugi delivered the drinks Reko had to go to the bathroom and to do that she had to pass by you in the kitchen alone
Voilet : but that doesn't mean I poisoned her!
Me : but your the only one who could have
Tsumugi : and I remember you coming from the medical office to help me when I started to make drinks and food is that where you got the poison?
Voilet : no it is not! I don't even know how to make poison!
Miran : well sorry, but I think you could have even some types of flowers can be deadly the wrong type of medicine can be much more I assume the culprit just put serval mixes of poison and medicine into some cup because the cabinet was very messy they most likely where guessing which one was deadly
Voilet : tsumugi is lying
Tsumugi : huh?
Voilet : I didn't come from the medical office I swear!
Toru : I'm sorry to interrupt but when we where bringing Sora over it the office I saw you coming out from the medical office voilet is it you?
Voilet : NO IM NOT KILLER!!!
Me : I don't want you to be the player but you need to convince us that you're not for us to believe you...
Voilet : how do you know Reko didn't kill herself?
Me : what?
Voilet : well fine I admit it I locked Reko in the electrical room but my poison didn't work so I locked her in their to die she killed her self with the knife I left in their
Me : then why wasn't their blood on her hands?
Voilet : AGGGHHHHHH! Please I didn't do it I swear I was just lying about that I didn't lock her in their I didn't kill her I SWEAR!
Hana : this is pathetic... we know your the killer give up the act.
Voilet : NO! You can't convince me you can't convince anyone!
Me : fine then voilet I'll go over this case one more time for you maybe then everyone will understand
Voilet : fine but I'm not the killer...
- tears filled violets eyes as I said,-
Me : This is how the case went down!
Closing argument :
First right after the party started I was driven to murder I got a knife from the beach house and lured shiro into my room was stabbed me and exited quickly I then accidents set the door on fire getting the attention of Toru tsumugi and maki they took me to the medical office and saw voilet exiting and while inside she had mixed up a mix of medicines creating a poison she put it in a cup and when she saw Reko walking by and since tsumugi was gone she took it as her time to strike she invited her to drink it and she did very soon she fainted we assume she died soon or almost instantly after drinking whatever the mix was then voilet noticed tsumugi walking back so she quickly threw all of the trays out of the oven and chores her body in their and then later once she had a chance she took Reko's body out of the oven and onto a cleaning cart which she had emptied and took a knife with her and headed over to the electrical room and hide her body she noticed it was locked so she took off the vent on the side of the electrical room and dragged Reko's body with her their was layed her body on the ground and used to knife to slit her throat and then she quickly exited and headed back to the kitchen thinking she had got away with murder but she hadn't and the only person who could have committed this crime is you voilet the ultimate model!!!

Case 01 over!

Voilet : well...
Voilet : your wrong still I SWEAR!
Voilet : please belive me you have to belive me I'm not the killer I swear!!!
Kaito : I'm... so sorry voilet
Kumeko : "Oh well looks like everyone is ready to vote please case your votes on the screen on your trial podium! I will reveal the results soon!
Then the small screen on my podium lit up and I selected voilet as the culprit
Kumeko : okay everyone you all have voted voilet as the culprit of Reko's murder! You are indeed,
Kumeko : correct! Voilet was indeed the killer of Reko!

And then voilet Said "please I just did it for my family... we where poor going up we had close to nothing and I became a model and made millions for them we became rich but I couldn't do it without them! I can't let them die I sorry but I killed Reko but you can kill me! You made me kill her you gave us a motive! And kumeko said "well you didn't have to kill die to the motive and you still killed her..." and voilet said "NO! I won't die here I need to see my family I just want to got home please... I don't want to DIE HERE! And kumeko said "well sorry it's just part of the rules you killed and were caught now.. let's give it everything we got it's punishment time! " and voilet screamed "NOOO! She pounded on the elevator door when it started...

"Lights camera fashion" ultimate model's execution

A massive chain pulled voilet into a room we hadn't seen before and she was on a long run away and the crowd was full of people throwing food at her she ran down the run away and the farther she got down the harder and sharper the objectss got it was just food but now she was dodging knife's swords and shape weapons "AGHHH! I will not DIEEE!" And screamed as more objects hit her and at the end of the run way was kumeko at the judge stand everyone stoped throwing things at her but then kumeko raised up a sign "0" then suddenly... a massive spear speared through her stomach she felt out a breath as she fell to the floor dead.

The 14 of us where shocked terrified by what kumeko had just shown us and made us watch on the large screen in the trial room and kumeko came back in and said "So what did you think!?" And Kai said "it doesn't matter what we think you just killed one our friends!" And kumeko said "would one of your friends really murder someone" Kai then stoped talking I couldn't belive what I just watched I want to throw up I couldn't even think now two of our friends had died in two horrible ways...

And kumeko said "okay everyone you are free to go now the trial is officially over!" Then the elevator doors opened and I rushed inside I wanted to get out of the trial room as soon as possible then once everyone got in the elevator descended upwards and I still just couldn't think and once we got to the surface I practically sprinted to my room closed and locked the door and got in bed I didn't even care about getting ready for bed I just wanted to leave this horrible reality why... what did we do to deserve this? No really why!? Luckily I didn't really know voilet that well but still seeing someone die in such a horrible way I just can't think... I slowly went to bed slowly... after my mind drifted...

14 remain!

Chapter 1 "the tragedy of prosperity" over!

Chapter 1 "the tragedy of prosperity" over!

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