Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : deadly life : part 6

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Chapter 2 : Hanging by your own misfortune : deadly life : part 6

Trial 02 Start!

Truth bullets :
1 Two large hooks in gundam's arms
2  two ropes connected to the large hooks
3 ropes attached to a large wooden beam in the centre of the barn
4 a handle on one of the ladders was broken
5 two smaller hooks where stuck into a hay pile
6 serval plants carelessly torn out of the greenhouse
7 serval glass containers in the trash
8 a red solo cup in the trash
9 the greenhouse's and the barn's side where where wide open
10 the barns hose had been slightly pulled out
11 the hose wasn't wet nor the surroundings
12 shattered glass container near the entrance of the barn with the farm
13 two small hooks and two big hooks where missing from the barn with the farm
14 Mirans account

Trial :

Kumeko : Now, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial your votes will determine the results if you can figure out the culprit then they will only receive punishment but! If you pick the wrong person everyone is punished but the culprit.
Yuki : well it's another trial... for the second time...
Shiro : Yes it is! A second murder has accrued among our group!
Kaito : I think first we should go over how gundam died right?
Maki : Yes we should finding the murder weapon will help us to begin deducting the culprit
Hana : well I think we should ask Kai, Kaito, maki, Celeste and sora first they where the ones to discover the body correct?
Me : yes we came up across the body first then tsumugi and miran arrived just a minute later and then after the body discovery announcement happened everyone else found the body
Toru : Well why don't we start with what you all saw in the barn since most of us where not there
Maki : Well first the five of us meet at the cafeteria about 30 minutes before we discovered the body then about maybe 27 minutes later we where headed towards the barn and we noticed the door slightly open so we opened the door and we found gundam hanging from the ceiling the hooks where still in his arms and he was alive at that time he screamed for help and then the ropes attached to the hooks started to pull up and then I assume whatever pulling the ropes let go and he fell down to the ground killing him
Ren : Well I think we should start to find out where the hooks ca,e from it could give us a good idea of where to start
Tsumugi : Well didn't they come from the fishing shack? You'd think hooks would come from, where you fish right?
Me : No that's wrong!
Me : actually I'm sure that the hooks didn't come from the fishing shack because in the second barn with the farm there was 4 fishing hooks missing from the wall so they must have come from there
Hana : The fuck do you mean four?
Hana : I thought there was only two hooks lodged into gundams arms what are you talking about?
Me : well your right but there where four missing from the barn
Celeste : Oh if I remember right! There were two larger hooks in gundams arms and two smaller hooks shoved into the hay barrels correct?
Me : yep
Tsumugi : But why would the culprit get to smaller hooks that makes no sence?
Tsumugi : the hay barrels also had zero role in this case so far so why would they matter it doesn't make sence
Toru : I agree tsumugi it doesn't make sence but, it's clear that whoever got those four hooks is the culprit of this case did anyone see someone getting hooks from the barn?
Miran : Oh well I did
Toru : oh really who?
Miran : gundam probably about 45 minutes before the body discovery announcement I saw gundam go to the barn and he came out with two hooks
Shiro : What a twist! The same hooks that gundam got for some reason was later used to kill him!
Me : wait miran do you remember what size of hooks we was carrying out of the barn?
Miran : yes he was definitely carrying the smaller hooks they definitely where not the large ones
Yuki : but why would gundam gets hooks I doubt he would just get them just randomly right?
Me : yea he wouldn't but miran do you remember where he went after that?
Miran : no I wasn't really paying attention I didn't know it would be so important later
Shiro : Ugh! Everyone I think we should focus on the contraption that killed gundam first we can worry about where the hooks and supplies came from later!
Toru : I actually agree Im curious on the machine that pulled gundam, pull and down on will?
Kai : Well let's first with we do know we know that the killer attached to hooks to gundams arms and then attached the hooks to the ropes
Kamakura : then the killer must have connected to ropes to the middle beam hanging in the center of the barn but how did they get the ropes to stay still?
Me : Well from looking at the ropes I saw that they had a knot tied on both ropes so the knot was keeping gundam from falling down
Kamakura : What else did you see up there?
Me : Well then the two ropes connected into one and they went inside of the wall but I couldn't look inside the wall so that's all I know so far
Yuki : could the ropes be attached to the hose outside?
Hana : what?
Yuki : Well what if inside of the wall which we couldn't see the ropes attached to the hose so if you pushed or pulled the hose outside you could lower or pull up gundams body?
Me : I agree with that!
Me : because I remember while I was outside I saw that the hose had been slightly pulled out so most likely that's how the culprit moved the body
Kai : so if that's how the culprit moved the body me, maki , Kaito, Celeste and sora all have soils alibis right?
Tsumugi : Not exactly...
Tsumugi : what if gundam was killed earlier then anyone could have just pulled the rope and moved his body it doesn't make him the culprit right?
Me : No that's wrong!
Me : Well if you remember gundam called out for help while he was still hanging in the barn so whoever moved the rope even if someone else did the set up is definitely the culprit
Ren : so if I'm correct the culprit put hooks in gundams arms hung him up on the beam tied knots to keep him hanging and connected the rope and hose to create an away to lift him?
Me : yep that's what we have so far
Hana : Well why was there a broken handle on the ladder then?
Kamakura : most likely the culprit was not only carrying themselves but the victum too up the ladder so with all that weight it could have broke
Tsumugi : wait there is a flaw in your logic!
Me : flaw? What is it
Tsumugi : Well for what we know the only injury's gundam had before the fall where the hooks in his arms correct?
Me : yea?
Tsumugi : Well if the culprit was carrying his body up the ladder according to your logic he would still be awake since he has no other wounds that could maybe for example knock him out?
Me : oh well that actually is right...
Me : I'm not sure what to say...
Toru : well like the last case couldn't gundam have been poisoned that sure would knock him out... forever...
Tsumugi : well we called out for help right after he was dropped so he can't be poisoned if he was still alive then
Maki : Well what if the culprit used some type of sleeping medicine to knock him, put at the time?
Kaito : no that's wrong!
Kaito : I actually checked the doctors office and no medication or medicine was missing at all nothing out of the ordinary was missing or look like had taken place
Shiro : Well what if the culprit somehow made a medicine?
Kaito : what?
Shiro : It's simple really!
Shiro : don't you remember the greenhouse how so many plants had been torn out well what if the culprit used those plants to create something to knock gundam out it would explain how they carried his body up the ladder and the medicine wore off potentially when you all entered the barn that's why he was awake and could talk
Me : that would also explain the glass containers in the trash they must have been making it useing those containers and the red solo cup would also make sence now too that's what they used to give the medicine to gundam
Miran : That mostly makes sence but there is still one piece of evidence you haven't cleared up
Me : and what is that?
Miran : the shattered glass container in the pathway to the barn with the farm why was that there?
Me : maybe because the culprit came back to the barn to grab the bigger hooks
Shiro : No that's wrong!
Shiro : why would the culprit need biger hooks why wouldn't the smaller hooks work to hang gundam?
Me : well maybe they where not strong or big enough
Me : but like I was saying the culprit war to the barn to get the bigger hooks and dropped a container
Kaito : wait dose that mean possibly the culprit sent gundam to go get hooks but he got to small hooks so they had to get larger ones later and that is why they dropped the container?
Me : most likely yes.
Hana : well that fuigures out how the place took place now who is the culprit!!!
Yuki : I may have an idea
Hana : Well tell us already!
Yuki : I'm sorry but...
Yuki : tsumugi your the ultimate herbalist and out of us your the only one who would know how to make some type of sleeping medicine the others don't have experience...
Tsumugi : What! What are you talking about! Just because I have experience doesn't mean I instantly did it that's only one piece of evidence ! You idiots!
Me : Well actually I've been thinking about it and I have more...
Tsumugi : WHAT...
Me : well if you remember you and miran where at the side of the barn where the hose was and miran said you tripped what if you tripped on the hose purposely and that pulled gundams body up and when you stood up the ropes let get and gundam fell to the floor dying...
Tsumugi: your useless dedication and deductions to making me the culprit...
Shiro : they think your the culprit silly!
me : well our ideas on how gundam was killed match up with every piece of evidence
Me : I'm sorry tsumugi but we know you're the culprit...
Me : please... just give it up...
Me : Well... I'm going to go over the case one more time... and if you see any wrongs please... point it out...
Closeing argument :
This case started out just about an hour before dinner when tsumugi must have saw gundam come inside the greenhouse and she saw it as her time to strike she told gundam something on the lines of could you get 2 hooks for me at the other barn and unknowingly of what was going to happen gundam went to the barn and retrieved two smaller hooks they would work... but tsumugi used her glass containers and plants to create some type of sleeping medicine and gave it to gundam using a solo cup then after he drank it he feel asleep soon after then tsumugi threw the containers and all evidence of making the drink in the trash and carried gundams body over to the barn and she used to two side doors so she wouldn't be noticed there she was bringing she body up the ladder but it was to much weight so a handle broke so she threw she body up onto the railing and climbed up and he then quickly ran over to the other barn and grabbed two larger hooks and connected them to gundams arms and tied those to the ropes in the barn and made knots on them so they would keep hanging him and finally connected those ropes too, the hose so she couldn't move his body and while she was in there she stuck the two smaller hooks into the hay to hide them then when she had the chance when the 5 of us where heading inside of the barn she pretended to trip over causing his body to be shot up and then when she stood up his body fell all the way from the ceiling and when he feel it killed him instantly...
And the only one who could have committed this crime is you Tsumugi the ultimate herbalist!

Case 02 over

Tsumugi : ...
Tsumugi ....
Kumeko : Okay everyone seems like we are ready to vote please cast your votes on the screen on your podium!
Kumeko : Okay everybody I have received the votes and with the majority vote Tsumugi has been chosen as the culprit...
Kumeko : You all are correct! Tsumugi was indeed the culprit responsible for killing gundam!

Kai : so why'd you do it why'd you have to kill his in such a brutal way...
Taumugi : Well I guess I'll tell you...
Tsumugi : it's just when I received kumeko secrets she gave us I just couldn't wait I really wanted to see it so I did and I got gundams secret... and his secret was that he was a dentist in Ethiopia but he was more like a con artist he mainly did surgery and when he went into surgery he never did anything to the patient he just scammed them and the authorities even found out about this so he wasn't the ultimate dentist he was the former ultimate dentist they took the name away from him for obvious reasons and I just wanted to escape so I thought killing hi, would be more justified than you guys and the reason his death was so brutal was because I wanted to hide the fact about the contraption and that it just looked like I feel and didn't just become a murder.... AND IM SO SORRY I NEVER WANTED TO KILL just killing him would keep my conscious less guilty because he was already a horrible person...

Kumeko : awww what a sob story but that's all the time we have for now tsumugi... and tsumugi said in tears "goodbye everyone im so sorry... I never wanted this..." and kumeko said "now! Let's give it everything we got its punishment time!

Vines un-victoriously : ultimate herbalist tsumugi's execution

Tsumugi was seen standing in a feild of flowers and plants but time started to go faster and faster the moon and sun raced across the sky as the plants grew faster and at the end of the feild she saw a door a door to freedom! So she began running through the feild running through vines stinging and poisonous plants her skin and clothes where cut more and more as she ran through more vines she was so close to the door she ran through and -Bang!- she ran into a wall of poisonous thorns her body bloated up as she fell down on the floor

I couldn't belive what I was seeing for the fourth time I saw one of my friends die... right in my own eyes I could belive what I was seeing I just wanted to go home... everyone was silent and I fell on the floor my head felt heavy I just wanted to go hom-
I fainted...

12 remain

Chapter 2 : hanging by your own misfortune : Over!

Chapter 2 : hanging by your own misfortune : Over!

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