Chapter 3 : Ash fell as fire started once more : daily life : part 1

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Chapter 3 : Ash fell as fire started once more : daily life : part 1

Day : 9

I woke up...
Bright lights burned my eyes as I covered my eyes and slowly adjusted to the lights and when I looked around I saw I was in the doctors office someone or some people must have taken we back here after a fainted...

I clocked at the clock next to me and saw the time, 8 : 5 5 it was breakfast time I didn't reslly want to get up but I still did and headed to my dorm, I thought I should at least Change out of yesterday's clothes before breakfast so I headed to my room to change it was just as I left it yesterday since I hadn't been here in a day or so, so I changed and headed to the dinning hall

There was a strange eeriness in the air today... most likely coming from gundam and tsumugi's deaths yesterday... watching people so desperate to live die and having there life ripped away from them I can still hear gundams cry for help and I can still see Tsumugi running through the thorns so desperately trying to survive to no avail and reko's and violets deaths still hang heavy even tho they have been gone for longer but either way I took a seat at the table and ate my food and Toru said "according by last murder case there should be a new section of the island correct? If I'm right every time we vote a killer correctly a new section of the island is unlocked right?" And miran said "Yea I think so hopefully it's something that helps us escape!" And Hana said "Well that's unlikely after all of this do you think they would let us escape!" And miran said "Well no but maybe there is a way we can escape they don't know about!" And Hana said "maybe..."

Then I finshed eating and I decided to head over to the new section and I saw that the vault door had already been opened Slighly, the others must have already been here I thought so I slowly opened the door and an overwhelming brightness covered my eyes and when I opened my eyes the sound of the oceans waves filled my ears and what stood before me was a cruise ship! The new section was a large feild of flowers and grass and near the ocean there was a dock and a welcome building and a bridge to get on the massive cruise ship in the ocean!

I was shocked my how large the cruise ship was but like I expected there where tons of medal chains attached to the cruise preventing the ship from floating away and us escaping... so I walked down the long stone pathway to the ship and entered the welcome building there was a desk and lots of chairs just like if this was actually functional and I climbed up a flight us stairs and aboarded the glass bridge to enter the ship I could see fish swimming underneath me and seagulls flying above me it was so pretty... if only it was a different situation I could actually really enjoy it..

So I entered the cruise was I walked into the lobby it was three stories with balcony's and a flight of stairs to all the floors I was on the first and since I had to climb up stairs to get up here there must be a floor underneath me but either way I went to the left of me and saw a long hallway it contained 16 rooms one for each of us tho if we ever stayed here four would go unused... and at the end of the hallway was a set of glass doors leading out to the back balcony of the ship with a large sized pool on the deck too! Then I headed back to the lobby and went up to the second floor there, there was a long hallway with two rooms on the left was a massive casino/aracadw filled with prizes and slot machines and to the right was a cafeteria on the back wall it was covered in glass windows and the small kitchen was too it was very pretty looking at the ocean from this height

Then on the third floor to the front of the ship there was a set of double doors and I opened them to find the control pannel and the place where you steer the ship I tried to press some of the buttons but nothing happened... kumeko must have purposely broke something so we couldn't escape and that was all on the third floor it was clearly much smaller than the others and then finally I headed back into the lobby and right when I was about to leave the cruise ship I saw something in the corner of my eye that caught my attention

It was a wooden trap door in the corner of the lobby? Strange so I walked over to it and saw flicking red light coming from beneath I slowly opened the door and climbed down the wooden latter and it took me to the burning room of the ship the ship was powered by coal and 4 massive incinerators where inside of the room with shovels and shrapnel tools and a massive pile of coal to fuel the furnaces it was every Erie down there like a feeling of menace there was no windows so the only light came from the hot fires so I quickly left as fast as I entered and

Left the cruise ship and headed back outside of it and headed down the stone path it was dark strange? It's only 4 so I looked up and saw a storm... I mean the darkest clouds I had ever seen no sunlight could pierce through it and then I felt a drop of rain... drop... drop... drop... suddenly it was down pouring I ran inside the center building and was relived of being dry

Then I headed over to the dining hall and could still see the down poor though the small windows as I heated up chicken on the microwave and then "BANG!" My eyes were covered in brightness as when I opened my eyes I saw glass shards all over the floor! Lighting must have struck the window so I quickly grabbed my food and headed to my room to eat instead

Once I got to my room I closed and locked the door and turned on one light and for as insane as this situation was it was kinda cozy in my room but I think that's for the better for a situation like this I don't think I could survive without some sort of goodness that rarely comes here... but lucky the dorms windows where a couple feet above sea level but the waves and rain were getting considerably dangerous but here... that was the least of my worries. Once I finished my food I put it in the trash and got in bed and headed straight to sleep...

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