Part 21

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"Mm... so good!" Stevie exclaimed, her eyes briefly closed as she savored the taste. She then glanced over at Lindsey, who was looking right back at her, arms folded over his chest. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm trying to decide if I should feel offended that you look more satisfied by that sandwich than right after having sex with me." Lindsey replied, making her laugh as she bit off another piece.

"I haven't eaten all day." Stevie defended herself, chewing on the sandwich that he'd made for her. "Your, uh... cooking skills have improved."

Lindsey couldn't really be mad at her, looking happy and completely satisfied, not just by the food, he believed, hair a little messy, covered by another one of his t-shirts. She looked like she belonged there, at his place and with him. She does.

"And you're still absolutely incomparable in bed." Stevie added to stroke his slightly bruised ego.

"Well, was that so hard?" Lindsey asked jokingly, fighting back a grin.

"It was pretty hard, yes." Stevie replied as if she was still talking about the compliment. 

Chuckling lowly, Lindsey placed his hands on Stevie's shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, passing by her to get to the fridge. "Would you like something to wash that down with? before you answer, all I have is beer." He was not at all prepared.

"Beer is fine." Stevie shrugged. "If you don't mind kissing me after."

"I'd kiss you even if you-" Lindsey stopped himself, shaking his head. "You know what, never mind." He uncapped a bottle for her and handed it over. "I'll always be happy to kiss you no matter what." He smiled and bent over to peck her on the lips.

Stevie got up on her feet and reached for Lindsey's hand, she walked them back to the bedroom. Wondering if she was ready for round two, he happily followed. She turned somewhat serious once they climbed into bed, which naturally worried him. Still, he kept his mouth shut, waiting patiently.

"Something happened and I should have probably led with that." Stevie paused to clear her throat, she shifted to sit cross-legged, facing Lindsey, who lay on his side, eyes fixed on her. Several different scenarios played in his mind, but he did not expect for her to tell him that... "Jimmy and I broke up. He broke up with me."

"Huh?" Lindsey frowned and moved to sit up as well. "What? Wh- when did this happen?"

"On Christmas day." Stevie replied. "It's fine. I'm fine." She shrugged. "It was bound to happen."

"Still." Lindsey gave her a sympathetic look, unsure if she wanted to be comforted or not. "That couldn't have been very nice. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be." Stevie shook her head. "It's not like I was super in love with him, but for a while it was really good."


"Yeah." Stevie sighed, they grew quiet for a moment. "It's not your fault and you don't have to feel bad." She spoke up again, touching the side of his face gently to tilt his head up. "I didn't exactly push you away in any way."

"You said, he broke up with you. Does that mean that if he hadn't made that decision, you wouldn't have either?" Difficult question to ask, even worse for her to answer.

"I don't know." Stevie shrugged weakly. "I was attached to Jimmy, we were together for a couple of years, but I never imagined marrying him or starting a family with him. It- it was good to be in that relationship. For me and him." She added. "I think, I was still holding onto him purely because I was afraid that it would hurt my career if I were the one to break us up. It's a shitty thing to say or even think, I know, but it's the truth."

"I get it." Lindsey nodded, though, it wasn't exactly the answer he was hoping for. "Whatever the circumstances, it sucks anyway." A bit conflicted, he opened his arms for her and she didn't hesitate. "I'm here if you need me."

"I don't want you to think that I'm with you right now because I got dumped." Stevie said, forcing a laugh, her arms firmly wrapped around him. "There's no place I'd rather be." It wasn't a lie.

Lindsey smiled, hearing her say that. He turned his head slightly and pressed a kiss to her hair. "I wouldn't let you go if you tried running away, so don't even."

Stevie pulled away, laughing sincerely now. "Enough of this." She announced, getting out of bed. "You know what I really want right now?"

"What's that?" Lindsey asked, eyebrow raised as he watched her taking off his t-shirt. 

"A shower. Care to join me?" She leaned against the doorframe on her way out of the bedroom. 

He couldn't resists, his eyes wandered up and down her naked curves, tempted. He would have liked to talk more, he wanted to get her to open up and tell her how she really felt; was she truly okay or was she more upset than she let it show, did she beg Jimmy to stay or did she too think that it was the right decision to end things? Was she currently asking him to have sex with her in the shower because that was what she wanted or was she trying to fuck the pain away yet again? Or maybe she just needed time before she could be completely honest with him and he wasn't meant to overthink everything she'd told him.

"Um, hello?" Stevie waved her hand, bringing Lindsey back to the present. 

Realizing that he'd been silent for too long, Lindsey quickly jumped out of bed and walked over to her. Before anything else, his hands firmly gripped her hips and he leaned in to kiss her. 

"What was that for?" Stevie smiled up at him, arms loosely hanging around his neck. 

"Don't need a reason to kiss you." Lindsey shrugged, taking a step back. "Come on, let's get you clean." She turned around and towards the bathroom. "Or dirty." He added, giving her a cheeky slap. 


AN: with the talk about Jimmy out of the way, I promise you a bit raunchier chapter next time. Thanks for reading ♥

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