In secret

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Summary: You and Natasha have been dating in secret. Your six month anniversary is coming up and you want to do something special for her.


"Why are you always working on Romanoff's bike?" your brother Tony asks when he walks into your shared workshop. Just like your brother and father you were an engineer. Unlike your brother who loved the spotlight, you preferred staying out of it.

You look up from the bike and say "because apparently she can't go a mission without damaging it." Tony seems to accept your made up excuse as he nods and walks towards his own workstation.

It was only half an excuse, Natasha did manage to damage her bike on missions quite often. But right now you were working on making some upgrades to surprise your girlfriend for your upcoming anniversary. The girlfriend who you hid from your brother. Your brother was very protective of you, especially since your parents had passed. He would never let you date Natasha, the Black Widow. So you dated in secret.

Your six month anniversary was tomorrow and you had been secretly working on her motorcycle while she didn't need it on missions. You were adding a feature where she would be able to shoot Widow Bites from the front and back of the bike as well as some other handy gadgets. After you finish up, you drive the bike back to it designated spot in the garage. And go up to your room to take a shower.

When you get out of the bathroom you're met with Natasha sitting on your bed scrolling on her phone. "Hey love, when did you get here?" you say while sitting down in her lap and kissing her passionately. "Well hello to you too" she smiles when you pull away from the kiss. "Is everything okay?" she asks as you shift away from her.

"Yeah everything is great, I'm really tired though." You answer. As a response Nat lays down on the bed and pulls you with her, so you're laying next to her. You place your head on her chest as her arm wraps around you, your legs tangled together. "Goodnight детка (baby)" she says while kissing your forehead. You fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning you wake up. You turn around to face Natasha, who is already looking at you. "Happy six months" she says with the biggest smile on her face. "Happy six months indeed" you reply with a smile just as big as you lean in to kiss her.

You spent the morning cuddling in your room and in the afternoon you walked around in the park, where the two of you had your first unofficial date. In the evening you have dinner at the restaurant where you had your first official date. Overall it was a great day.

When you leave the restaurant you tell Natasha that you have a surprise for her back at the compound. Back at the compound you tell her to close her eyes. She closes her eyes as you guide her into the garage. And place her in front of her bike. "You can open your eyes now" you say softly, suddenly very aware that you didn't actually have her permission to make changes to the bike.

Natasha opens her eyes and looks around her bike. "I can totally change it back if you don't like it" you say as the redhead didn't say anything yet. "Oh no no, I love it. Tell me what it does" Natasha reassures you. You tell her all about the added features.

"Thank you so much детка (baby)." she says as she walks over and kisses you. You wrap your arms around her neck as you deepen the kiss. You gasp as you are being lifted up by Natasha, she puts you down on the motorcycle. She moves to stand in between your legs as she connects your lips, moving her hands to your hips to pull you closer to her. Your both too carried away to hear footsteps coming closer.

"Uhm Natasha this is a shared room, take your date somewhere private please" you hear Tony say. Fuck. You pull away from the kiss "Y/n?!"

"Hi Tony" you say sheepishly. Tony rushes forward pushing Natasha away, "stay away from her, Romanoff."

You hop off the motorcycle and stand in between them "Tony, calm down." You say sternly. "I won't calm down when Natasha is clearly taking advantage of you."

"She's not taking advantage of me Tony, we've been dating for six months. She's amazing and treats me so well." You speak up for the both of you.

"Does she make you happy?" you grab Natasha her hand and intertwine your fingers "she makes me very happy."

Tony takes a moment to let it all settle in before saying "okay fine. But Romanoff if you hurt her, I will personally shoot you into oblivion." At which Natasha nods.

Your brother steps into his car and drives off. Leaving you with Natasha. She turns to you and asks "so do you want to continue what we started upstairs?" with a smirk.

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