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Prompts: "Do you think I'd drop my walls like this for just anyone?" & "I'm afraid that I'm not enough for you."

Warnings: hurt/comfort, reader doesn't feel like they are enough.


Natasha was the most amazing girlfriend, she threated you so well. Just this morning she took you to have breakfast on a little bench in the park. You watched over the pond filled with ducks, sipping on your coffees, and eating your bagels. It was great, you very much enjoyed it. But once you got home the thoughts of not being good enough started entering your mind again.

Usually, Natasha wasn't around when you felt this way. However, today was Natasha's day off and you decided to spend it together. There was no hiding from her. Of course, being the great girlfriend that she was, she always made sure that if you needed some space, she would give it to you.

In your mind letting her know you needed space, means showing her that something was wrong. So, in stead of asking for space, you just went on with your day. You decided on watching a movie. Not even ten minutes into the movie, you felt your eyes getting unfocused.

Natasha noticed you had gone quiet and looked over. She paused the movie when she saw the tears forming in your eyes. You were so lost in your thoughts, that you hadn't even noticed. Natasha placed a hand down on your shoulder, to bring you back. Your shook your head slightly, forcing your eyes to focus on Natasha's worried ones.

"Is everything okay? Did you want to watch something else?" Natasha asks, not entirely sure what was going on, since she saw no earlier signs of something being off. "No, no, I'm fine and the movie is good. Don't worry." You say, while forcing a smile. "Hey, no need to pretend to be okay around me. Talk to me, what's going on?" She takes one of your hands in her hand, gently stoking her thumb back and forth over your skin.

"Sometimes, I-" You start, tears start falling down your face. "I'm afraid that I'm not enough for you." You take a deep breath, before continuing. "You do all these nice things for me, you plan dates, you give me so many gifts and you pay for so many things. And I, I am just me. What if that's not enough for you? What if you don't want me anymore?" You feel Natasha pull you in for a hug and you sob into her shoulder. "Oh детка, no you are amazing. You do so many great things for me too. You are the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Natasha reassures you, tightening her hold on you. She moves her fingers through your hair, to calm you down.

"Really? Do you mean that?" you ask her. Natasha loosens her hold on you so she can look you in the eyes. Making sure that you can see the sincerity in her eyes. "I mean it. You make me happy, and you do so many things to show me you love me, every day." She places a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Do you think I'd drop my walls like this for just anyone?" She puts a hand on your cheek, "I've never been more comfortable around a person than with you. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." Wiping away some of the tears on your face as she sees you calming down, starting to realize that Natasha's words are the only ones that matter in this situation. You whisper an 'I love you' and nuzzle back into her chest. Natasha makes sure you're comfortable and wraps her arms back around you. "I love you too."

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