Showing emotions

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Prompt: "You know it's okay to show emotion, right?"

Warning: Hurt comfort and metion of a childhood lived without a mother/being taken away from a parent.


Natasha had always been a private person when it came to her emotions. It took a long time for her to share her feelings for you before you started dating and many more months to get used to sharing her emotions in any way. She had come a long way since you first started dating, but due to her past there were some emotions she'd rather keep to herself.

You would always be there for her no matter what and you hoped that Natasha knew that. That is why you like to remind her at random times during the week. You'd tell her things like, "I'm always here for you." Or "Anything for you, my love." When she asks you for something.

So, when you came home and saw Natasha sitting at the kitchen table wiping the tears off her face, you rushed to her side. "Hey, what's wrong, love?" She shakes her head, "No, it's nothing. I'm fine." You notice she's looking down and not meeting your eyes. You move your hand towards her cheek and move her head gently to make her look at you, "You know it's okay to show emotion, right?"

You slowly stroke her cheek with your thumb. By the look in your eyes and the way you're holding on to her face, Natasha knows that she and her emotions are safe with you. She leans into your touch, and you put your other arm around her to hold her close. Her head now leaning on your chest while you rub soothing circles on her back with one hand and your other hand is going through her hair. Something you knew Nat loved.

You were glad Natasha was getting her emotions out and would sit there with her soothing her for how ever long she needed you too, because bottling up feelings wasn't good for anyone's mental health. Natasha spends some more time in you arms before she decided to share the thoughts that were going on in her mind.

"What if I don't know how to be a good mother for our future kids? I didn't grow up with a mother and I don't even remember her because I was so young when they took me away. For three years growing up I had Melina, the closest thing to a mother I have ever had. But then she got taken away from me too. I barely have any experience on the subject from my own childhood, I'm scared that I won't be good enough." Natasha says with a sad look on her face.

"Darling, remember how excited you were when you told me for the first time you'd like to have kids with me in the future and how you were telling me what way you imagined our future to be like? We said we will figure out all the things together, because it's you and me against the world. We will always go through everything with the other by our side, you will never have to be alone. And with that being said I would also like to mention that we can take all of that as slow as you need to go and only when you're ready for it." You reassure her. "As for the experience part, my love, though I know that like you said for most of your childhood you didn't have a mother figure in your life, but I think you have created your own experience from the way you care for the team. Remember when Wands first joined the team, and you were there for her every step of the way? Or when Peter got sick that one time while Aunt May was out of town? And not to forget your bond with your sister. An older sister bond is often very parent like, and you're so protective over her and you always want to make sure she knows she will always have you to be there for her. You are a natural at taking care of people and all those different experiences have given and will continue to give you all aspects that are going to make you an incredible mom and I will be very lucky to co-parent with you."

Natasha felt much more confident, she hadn't realized that all of those experiences we're based on a motherly aspect of her personality. Ultimately she was glad that she shared her emotions with you, because now she felt a lot better and more reassured about the future.

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