Not alone

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Prompt: "I know you're hurting... but, you're not alone, okay?"


You have been feeling off for the past couple weeks, trying to keep it to yourself for the most part. You didn't want the team to be worried about you. If they were worried, they would take you off missions and you really didn't want that.

Missions were currently the only thing that could keep your mind away from your thoughts and the sadness you were feeling.

However, this mission did not help to keep your thoughts away. The only thing it managed to do was enhance the pain. So, when you and the team came back from the mission you headed straight to your room. You didn't even feel good enough to take a shower first, you just lay down on the bed. Curling into a ball as tears stream down your cheek.

Your mind is so far away that you didn't notice a person joining you in your room, until you feel the pressure of the matrass change. You flinch as a hand is placed on your shoulder.

"It's okay, it's only me." You hear Natasha's familiar voice say, making you feel slightly less scared. You didn't want her to see you this way. So, you turn your head away, hiding it in your pillow.

"I know you're hurting... but, you're not alone, okay?" Natasha says while stroking your back. You slowly start showing more of your face again. "Will you stay?" you speak softly. Natasha nods, "Of course."

She takes off her shoes, noticing you still had on your she moved to take yours off as well before joining you on the bed. She lays down next to you, making sure to give you some space. One hand starts stroking your back in relaxing patterns, until you turn around to lay in her arms.

She holds you tight with one arm, while running her other hand through your hair. Every once in a while she places soft kisses on your head, until you fall sound asleep.

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