At first sight, I could see you in a white dress

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Wedding dress shopping! And Jake comes home and wakes her in the best way.

It's shorter than usual but I hope you'll enjoy it! That's probably a good thing but I am a wordy bitch and I'm surprised it's not longer.

It's farther back in time than last chapter where he locked away the last of his enemies. The timeline isn't linear but if it's confusing, let me know.

Title is from the song: White Dress by Kanye West.



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Manon: Help me.

Jake snorted, head shaking as he read her text and watched the chat bubble wobble before more came through.

Manon: I swear to fuck. I will end you if you don't get me out of this.


I'm serious. *knife emoji*

This is all your fault.

I'm waiting. You know I don't like that.

The woman was insane, but she made for great entertainment on dull days. He was out of town for a night while they nailed down another location for one of his enemies, and Manon had been convinced to have a girl's night at Jessy's in Colville before they all went shopping the following day. He gathered things had turned to talks of wedding gowns and other female frippery he had no clue about. He knew she would call him if he didn't respond fast enough and typed out what he hoped would calm her down.

Jake: It's one night, Sweetheart. You can survive it. I'll make it up to you tomorrow.

Manon: Nice try. You're doing that whether I stay or go. They have magazines, Jake! And I need more wine than Colville possesses to help me get through them all.

He couldn't control the laugh that left him at that. She glared at every bridal magazine she passed, muttering under her breath about baked goods and ridiculously sized ballgowns. He did find it impossible to imagine her in one of those dresses, and he had no idea what style she would choose, but he couldn't wait to see it.

Jake: Just let it happen. Jessy won't give up, and you'll enjoy yourself more than you think.

There was a pause before she started typing again, and he would've bet good money that she stomped her foot and huffed before deigning to respond.

Manon: Fine. Fine, I'll have "Fun!" Don't blame me if you come home and I've been swallowed by tulle!

Jake: I'll find you again, Manon. Don't worry about that. All the tulle in the world couldn't stop me. ;-)

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