Chapter 1- The Beginning

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You know, we all live in a world where being different isn't a part of what people like to accept. Even though everyone is different, everyone wants to be just like everyone else. Like, if you don't have sex, you aren't "cool", if you do have sex, you're considered a "whore." In this society that we live in today, no one can truly ever be themselves. Welcome to Crownbridge High School, where being cool doesn't exactly fit in my vocabulary. I like to think I'm different, wait, let's backtrack a bit. My names Amelia Rose, I live in Roanoke, North Carolina. I'm 18, and practically drowning in this dreadful society. I don't fit in because I don't drink any type of alcohol, I've never smoked marijuana, or cigarettes. I like to think of myself as different, I also haven't had a boyfriend in years, then again, who needs boys....right?

I also would like to throw out there that I don't have many friends, actually, I've only ever had one real friend, what I mean by real is someone who is there for me through everything and wouldn't talk about me behind my back, in high school you can't trust anyone. Like I said, boy's don't really look at me, never mind even talk to me. I mean, I'm not ugly but I don't exactly look like Kylie Jenner, if you catch my drift. I've only ever had one boyfriend, and the saddest part is i'm a guess I'm not "cool", I would say that I'm basically married to my skateboard. I've been skating since I was 6 years old, my dad taught me a couple things before him and my mom got divorced. Now, It's just me and my mom. My friend, Jane, she goes to all sorts of parties, and drinks, and smokes, we are complete opposites. If my mother ever knew that she smoked, or drank, I wouldn't be allowed to hangout with her. I guess I should really go to bed now, I've stayed up half the night and it's already 3 A.M. Shit.

"Amelia, wake up, you're going to be late for school again, I made pancakes!" My mom shouts from downstairs.

"I'm coming, I can only get ready so fast, god mom!" I shout and run downstairs to the table before my mom has a meltdown.

"So, mel, you have a doctors appointment after school, RIGHT after school, so no driving Jane anywhere today, you hear me?" She says in a loud toned voice.

"Yes, I hear you" I reply.

Ever since I got my license last month, mom has been on my tail about driving places, I can never just go where I want to, because being 18, and a senior in high school just doesn't cut it with her just yet, which is totally ridiculous.

"Shit. I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for school!" I shout.

"Mel, YOUR LANGUAGE PLEASE!" Mom shouts from the table still sitting down

"Sorry, bye, love you" I sprint out the door and check my text messages, one from Jane, "Drive me to JC's after school?"

Jane always wants to me to drive her to her boyfriend's house. I don't understand why she can't just go to the DMV and get her license, oh that's right, because she got in trouble for driving without a license and now she can't get one for another two years.  Her boyfriends name is JC. JC is short for Justin Caylen, she always wants me to come over with her to meet one of JC's friends, he's probably just as obnoxious as JC is. If that's the case, I want nothing to do with JC or his friends. The only reason I really tolerate him is because he's dating my best friend that I've known since 4th grade. I have to put up with him, even when I really don't want to.

'I've got a doctors appt. after school' I reply.

As soon as I get to school Jane comes running up to me with her newly dyed hair, she just dyed it black the other day and now it has blue highlights. She comes up to me to talk about how JC is doing in college, and how he has a new kid living on campus, in his dorm, and she wants me to go to meet him this weekend, I think she said his name was Kian Lawley. Leave it to Jane to play matchmaker all the time. She said he's super adorable. But, if he is anything like JC, he isn't 'cute', just obnoxious...

"Ugh, please Mel, come with me to JC's college with me this weekend!! There's supposed to have a smasher, you don't have to drink or smoke or anything, we can just have fun!" She pleads.

"Jane! You know these parties aren't really thing?!" I look at her and roll my eyes

"Mel, live a little bit! Come on!! it'll be fun! I've always wanted you to come to one of these with me. Its a college party! Where you can meet college boys!" Jane says begging me.

"Fine, I'll come if it gets you to be quiet, but what will I tell my mom?" I say barely giving in.

"Uh...tell her you're sleeping over my house, it'll work, and my mom will go along with it, trust me" Jane says with a smile and with a excited look on her face.

"Alright, I will, she's going to wanna talk to your mom though Jane, but what will I do there? I don't even know what to wear" I question Jane.

"Come over tomorrow right after school and we can figure it out, who knows, maybe you'll meet someone, JC has a new roommate in his dorm, Kian, remember? Like I said, maybe you'll get along with him! Don't worry about your mom, my mom will handle that. Up, fuck, time to get to class before I get another tardy from Mr. Turner." Jane winks, and runs off.

Jane's mom is super cool when it comes to these sorts of things. I wish my mom would allow me to do half the things Jane's mom lets her do. Maybe Jane is right...maybe I will meet a cute college boy, I don't even know who this Kian boy is. I don't even remember what she said his last name was. All I know is, this party better be fun, but if it's anything like I hear in stories all there will be is a bunch of drinking, boys, smoking pot, and laughing until someone pisses their pants.

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