Chapter 9- Learning

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We get back into the front seats, and Kian lights a cigarette, like usual, and starts driving me home. This day has been another perfect day, with Kian. I can't believe that this is really happening to me. It's amazing. We pull into my driveway at around 6:30, just in time to see what mom made for dinner.

"Thanks for another amazing day, Kian" I say while giving him a smile.

"No problem, wait, Amelia. Can i pick you up on Friday night and bring you to the party?" He asks.

"Sure, Kian" I smile.

"See you then. Or hopefully before then, uh, yeah, but...i'm gonna be pretty busy this week because of the research project that's due in 2 days. I'll call you." He says and smiles.

"That's fine. Talk to you soon." I say smiling. I mean it is fine, it's not like me and Kian are dating or anything. I'll see him soon.

Kian pulls me in for hug and gives me a kiss goodbye. God. He's so good at making me feel like the only girl in the world. We aren't even dating, he isn't even brought that up in conversation. I mean, being Kian's girlfriend would be great...but, I just met him, and it probably won't happen anytime soon. I watch Kian drive away and race down my street.

I get inside and mom is making dinner. "How was your day Mel?" She asks me while stirring the pasta.

"It was awesome mom! I spent the whole day with Kian! He is totally awesome!" I say smiling and opening the door to the bathroom to take off the excess makeup from when Kian threw me in the lake.

"I'm going to go do my homework. Let me know when dinner is ready" I say.

"Okay Melly." Mom says.

I get into my room and pull out some books to study until Jane calls me, and tells me that her and JC got into another fight over a simple ride home from school. JC couldn't pick her up because his friend Joseph needed the car, and of course Jane is mad at that. She shouldn't be. Sometimes things like that happen. I do my best to help her calm down. I tell her I have to get off the phone and study for my chemistry test tomorrow. Studying becomes really difficult to do because all I'm thinking about is Kian. I have to get my mind off him. I need to get a good grade on this test.

"MEL! DINNERS READY!" Mom shouts from downstairs.

"Okay, be down in a sec" I close my laptop and place my study sheets in my folder and go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Mel, I hope you are studying for that Chemistry test you have tomorrow. You have been slipping lately. If this continues, you can't go to Jane's this weekend" Mom says this in a stern voice.

"! It's so hard" I complain.

"Well, maybe stay after school and plan a study session with Dr. Turna instead of going out with Kian the past two days" Mom shouts. "GRADES ARE IMPORTANT TOO AMELIA" She shouts again.

"Mom. I'm going to study and get a good grade, okay?" I say while taking a bite into my pasta.

Mom just rolls her eyes and gives me the death stare. When mom says this kind of stuff, she means it, I have to do good on this test. If I don't, I can't see Kian on friday and he won't be able to see my costume! After I wash the dishes for mom, I go back upstairs to my room, and sit on my bed and re open my laptop and go on FaceBook to check it, procrastinating has always been easy for me.

'Friend request from Kian Lawley' I accept it and look through his timeline, and his old profile pictures. He still has old pictures of him and that Lauretta girl. Whatever, It probably means nothing, well I hope not. I really shouldn't even be worrying, i'm not dating Kian. I keep reminding myself. I better get off Facebook before mom comes in and see's that I'm not studying. Then, she really won't let me go to "Janes" Friday night. Just when I'm about to get off, Kian chats me.

'Hey Amelia, got a sec to talk?'

'Hi Kian, and I was just about to get off, whats up?'

'I was just gonna ask if you wanted to help me with my research project. It's for Anatomy. It's on the human body, and I got stuck with the Cranial, brain or whatever'

'Sure, I took Anatomy last year, so it's pretty fresh in my mind, college Anatomy shouldn't be that much harder, what do you need help with? :)'

'It's so hard for me...well, could you meet me at Starbucks in downtown tomorrow around 2:30?'

'Sure, I'll text you tomorrow. I gotta study!!'

'Okay, and Amelia...thanks for putting up with me these past couple days, I'm happy I met're beautiful, night & good luck on your test tomorrow. :))'

I don't reply, I don't do anything but smile, and re-read where he said 'you're beautiful' I really hope he means it. I then log out of Facebook, because if I did end up replying to Kian, I wouldn't be able to study tonight. Okay. Focus. This whole Chemistry stuff on the Nuclear unit is so useless, I'll never need to know any of this next year for college, I should of taken Chemistry last year, so I could of taken something easy, like, per say, no science at all. Like half of my friends did. Senior year is supposed to be easy. I continue to study until about 10:30, I get into the shower, and get ready for bed, I swear I pass out before my head has time to even hit the pillow.

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