Chapter 16- Fighting is never easy

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I decided to sleep at Kian's house again, my mom think's I'm at Janes. To be quite honest with you, she seems a lot more cool about letting me be my own person lately, mainly because she knows that I'm 18, and she can't hold onto me forever, she can make me do some things still, because, well, she's my mother, but she can't hold my hand forever. I reach on the side table for my phone, where I see Jc, snoring with both his arms up over his head and he keeps twitching, bad dream, probably, I grab my phone and I got 2 text messages while I was asleep, one from Jane, and one from...Kian? Weird. He's right next to me. I decide to open Kian's first.

'Babe, you're sleeping, but I wanna let you know how truly beautiful you are, to me, you shine, you're my everything and more and I could never ask for someone better. Thank you for letting me show you how much you really mean to me. Amelia Rose, I love you so much. Goodnight.'

I can't help but look over at Kian, who's sleeping so peacefully, and smile. I love him too. I never thought I would love and care for someone as much as I love and care for Kian. He completes me in every way, and I couldn't be happier. I figured that I would never be able to be in this kind of love. I pull out my phone and scroll through instagram, and 10 minutes later, Kian wakes up and rubs his eyes and gives me a kiss.

"Goodmorning, babe" Kian says still half asleep

"Morning, how did you sleep" I ask and smile back.

"Good. Actually, really good, because you're here" Kian giggles, and gives me a kiss.

We hear Jc snoring louder than ever before, and he will not shut up, Kian throws a pillow at him.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Kian screams to Jc.

"He's a heavy sleeper, I presume" I laugh. "Uh, Kian, about your ex girlfrie-" He cut me off before I could finish

"No. Nothing about her. She meant nothing to me." He says sternly, standing up putting on his jeans.

"Kian..If she meant nothing to you, what if..." I cannot finish again.

"What? What if I don't care about you? Amelia. Do not be ridiculous, you are and always will be the best thing that has happened to me." He says stopping in his tracks looking at me shirtless.

I can't say anything but look at him and smile and then look down at my hands.

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I'll be back." He says grabbing his coat.

Jc rolls over and starts talking in his sleep, I see one eye open, and he says, "Yo, wheres Ki?"

"He went outside to smoke a cigarette." I say looking at Jc.

"Fuck. I hope it wasn't his last one." Jc says getting up grabbing his coat and going outside.

I decide to follow, and go to talk to Kian. I feel bad about even bringing up his ex, I mean that is his past, that should not involve right now. As I grab my coat, I hear yelling outside. I run out the front door, and see Kian holding a cigarette to his mouth, and screaming into his cell phone.

"FUCKING BITCH!" Kian screams hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" I ask concerned.

"My dad. My stupid, non-involved dad. He is calling me to tell me how he's failed me, and how it's my fault my mom won't talk to him. Fuck him, you know? He's the reason my mom won't talk to him. He is a piece of shit." Kian says crying.

"Babe, I...I'm sorry." I say hugging him.

"No, you know, now he wants to come see me. I told him to fuck off. He hasn't been involved in my life for the past 10 years. He isn't being involved now." Kian says smoking his cigarette, and inching away from me slowly.

"Bro...I think you need a blunt." Jc says laughing a bit.

I look at Jc with a mad look.

"You're right. I probably do." Kian says looking at me for permission.

I don't exactly give him that I approve of this look.

"It's already rolled." Jc says, pulling it out of his wallet.

"No. Babe..You aren't..I mean you shouldn't smoke. It isn't going to help the situation with your dad and everything." I say with a stern face.

"Amelia. You just came into my life. You aren't going to tell me whether to smoke or not. I do whatever the fuck I want. Okay?" Kian says, basically yelling at me. He pulls out a cigarette instead.

"Did you really just say that to me?" I say, with tears forming in my eyes.

Kian just looks at me and tries to apologize. I know it is because of his dad just calling him out of nowhere all these years and blaming him for his parents separating. It isn't even Kians fault.

Kian comes inching closer to me to give me a hug, but I back away from him.

"Babe. I did not mean what I just said. I'm just really angry that he comes into my life out of nowhere when he is piss drunk blaming me for everything." Kian says looking at Jc grabbing the blunt out of his hand. Big mistake on his part.

"Oh. Okay, Kian. You really think that smoking weed is going to help with the situation? Is that all you know how to do lately, smoke weed, drink, and smoke cigarettes?" I say and regret it immediately. I look down at the ground.

Kian stares at me for a couple seconds, so I thought he wouldn't say anything else. But, he did. Why did I have to go and say that?

"Amelia. You know. You think you know everything. But guess what? You don't. You're in highschool, and I'm in college. Smoking weed is something that has worked for me, maybe not for you, but for me it does, and it's controlled my anxiety. You don't know shit about me. Okay? At least I'm not out on the streets doing heroin like your friend Owen used to." Kian says, madly.

Kian did not just go there. How does he even know about Owen? I never mentioned his drug problem to him. Jane. She probably told Jc who told Kian.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Kian? You are really going to go there about my best friend Owen? He passed away from a drug overdose. It started with weed and went to heroin. Why don't you take you and your marijuana and go hang out with Lauretta. I saw you with her at the party. I was not sleeping." I say, and this time I cannot control the tears that start pouring down my face like Niagra Falls. Oh great.

"If you weren't sleeping you would know that I pushed her off of me so I could bring you water, and take care of you, because you are my girlfriend, who I love. Not that slut, Lauretta. I slept with her a couple times after we broke up last year. That is it. She meant nothing to me." Kian says looking at me, walking closer.

"Yeah. I fucked her too, before I dated Jane. What a whore." Jc says laughing and smoking the blunt. He is so obnoxious, and I just ignore that comment even though it makes me want to tell Jane,  I won't. One fight at a time here.

"I didn't know that. But okay. So am I just another girl to 'fuck' huh Kian? Because you were to pretty eager the last couple days to sleep with me." I say madly.

"Oh. Okay. Yeah Amelia. The girl I love with all my heart and soul I'm going to just lead on, and fuck her and leave. Is that the type of guy you think that I am? Are you serious? You really do not know me. You know what, no. Don't touch me. I'm leaving, I'll call you later...Maybe." Kian says, inching away from me while I try to grab onto his arm, and he get's into his car and speeds away. Now, I'm just left here with Jc watching him be the moron he is.

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