Chapter 5- Next Morning

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I wake up the next morning around 8' O clock, and Kian is outside with Hazel smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of coffee. I walk into the bathroom, and change back into my dress. I wash my face with a cloth, and wipe off the excess makeup I had left on my face from last night. I feel like shit, and I didn't even drink that much. Ugh, my head. 

"Hey, Kian, thanks for letting me borrow your clothes" I say smiling. "Do you have any Ibuprofen?" I say questionly.

"No problem, you can keep the t-shirt, I don't really like it, and yeah it's in the first cabinet in the bathroom above the sink" Kian says with a smile on his face while taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Oh, well, thank you" I say smiling. "I better go find Jane, I have to go home soon" I say.

"Okay, well it was great meeting you, wait...Amelia, can I text you and expect a response now?" Kian says with a curious look on his face.

I smile at him, and I tell him I'll text him later. I have to find Jane so we can leave. I can't be late getting home, my mom will kill me.

"I had a great time with you" Kian says smiling.

I just smile and agree with him. Kian gives me a hug, and it look's like he wants to kiss me, but I am so nervous that I just tell him thanks again, and walk out of the room. Wow, I'm so stupid. Should I have let him kiss me? I walk down the hallway and Jane is kissing JC.

"Jane!" I shout.

"Mel, hey. Are you ready to go home?" Jane says.

"Yeah. I have a killer headache" I say.

"Me too. Let's get going before i puke all over the place." Jane kisses JC goodbye and we get in my car.

"Kian is awesome, you know. Thanks for making me come out with you last night." I say smiling at Jane.

"So...did you guys like...hook up?" Jane says.

"You mean like...fuck? No." I say laughing

"No, not like fuck, did you guys kiss or anything, I mean he did give you his clothes...that's something" Jane says

"No, we didn't kiss either, I think he wanted to, but I was too nervous. I told him to text me later though." I say with a smile on my face while rolling down the window.

I drop Jane off at home, and she runs up to her house and goes inside. The whole drive home I am thinking about Kian. Should I text him? No, I can't seem eager, I have to let him text me first. I can't seem easy. I pull into my driveway at 8:45, 15 minutes before mom needed me home, good. I'm on time. I check my text messages before going inside, none. I shouldn't be sad though, it's only been an hour. I walk inside, and see my mom sitting on her computer.

"Hey mom." I say

"Hey Mel, how was Jane's house?" She says

"Oh, it was awesome, we just watched movies and she talked about JC all night because she didn't get to see him this week" I say, of course, I'm lying though.

"That's good hunny, go take a shower and get ready we have to go visit grandpa." My mom says sipping her coffee.

After my shower, I see that Kian called me, I call back because what if he asked me out on a date or something?

'Hey, Kian, did you call?'

'Yeah, hey Amelia, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out to dinner with me tonight?'

'Um, yeah, sure. That be awesome'

'Great, yeah, um i'll see you at 7'

'Wait, my address is 17 Grant Circle"

'Awesome, i'll see you then!'

Kian hangs up, and my heart is beating out of my chest. I text Jane and tell her, and she is just as excited as I am, heck, she's probably MORE excited than I am. I cannot even contain my excitement. I have never felt this way about a guy before, only once before, with a boyfriend I had at age 14, it only lasted 1 month, and he ended up breaking up with me. But, Kian is different. He's awesome.

I walk downstairs.

"Hey, um mom, is it okay if I hang out with my friend, Kian tonight?" I ask.

"Kian, who's Kian, and when did you meet him? Mom asks.

"He's a guy that I met the other day at a coffee shop when I was studying for my math test. Turns out he's from around here" I lie.

"Sure, just make sure I meet him first. How old is he?" Mom asks.

"Um....21" I say, hesitating knowing she won't approve.

"21!!! Amelia, no. Absolutly not, you will not be hanging out with a college frat boy!" My mom yells.

"Mom, come on!! He seemed super nice just give him a chance!" I say loudly.

Mom rolls her eyes and eventually agrees to let me see him.

I change the subject.

"'s poppy been?" I ask

"Oh, he's been better, but for the past week he's been a bit paranoid." Mom says

"Do you think he is going to be okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, he is going to be just fine hunny. Lets go" Mom demands.

We go to the hospital to visit my poppy and he doesn't look very good, my grandpa is really sick and we don't know how much time he has left. Also he has a really hard time remembering things. When we get there, he is sleeping and we sit, and wait for him to wake up watching the TV set in his room. I know I should be thinking about him, but I can't help but think about Kian.

After about 3 hours my mom says, "Dad, I think we are gonna get going, Miss. Amelia has a date tonight." Mom says looking happy.

I smile.

I give my poppy a kiss goodbye and a hug, and promise to see him tomorrow night.

I get home finally, and It's now 6:00 pm, and I have no idea what to wear. I FaceTime Jane, and she helps me pick out an outfit. She helps me decide on a black leather skirt just above my knees, and a long white tank top with a jean jacket, my 3 inch black heels, and with a black headband. Kian will be here any minute and I am patiently waiting on my couch for him to get here. I can't seem too eager though. He's just so amazing.

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