Chapter 17- 360 Flip

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Does Amelia have any sort of idea what the fuck she just said to me? Does she really think all that I am just a druggie and someone who smokes cigarettes all day? Well, she is dead wrong, besides the smoking cigarettes part. Fuck. That is not the point, she doesn't think I love her. Shes wrong. So wrong. Another thing is, I can not be anymore pissed off at her, and anymore in love with her at the same fucking time. The girl I have been dating almost 6 months thinks that I would be using her just to sleep with her. If that were the case I wouldn't even be dating her. I love Amelia. With every ounce of my being. She is not like the other girls I've dated in the past. She's different. I am utterly and completely in love with her.

I hear my phone ring, and look down at who is calling. Jc. What the fuck does he want?


"Kian. Man, you can not just leave your girl hanging out here, if she is going to cry this much, and waste this much water, tell her to cry over the plants."

"Shut up Jc. What is she doing?"

"She is on the phone with Jane, and Jane is coming to pick up both of us, we are going to a club."

"A club? Uh, maybe you are, but Amelia isn't going without me."

"Janes about to be here. Gotta go man. Later"

"Jc..Wait, where's the?" he hangs up. "Club..."

I race back to the dorm, but everyone already has left. I try calling everyone's cell phone but nobody answers. Great. Just fucking great. Jane and Jc better not be getting Amelia drunk or some shit. I swear I will find where she is going, and which club they're at, and when I do find them. Amelia is sure going to get an ear full.


Okay. I know what you are thinking, I should've answered the phone to Kian...but he is acting like a complete asshole. He brought up my best friend Owen who died of a heroin overdose. He did not deserve my attention. He deserves to be ignored, maybe he'll learn. But, at the same time, I should not have just let him walk away from me. I tried grabbing the phone from Jc, to tell Kian that I was not going to go to the club without him, but Jc pulled away from me. Fuck. He is going to flip out on me later. But, then I think to myself, I should go to the club with Jane and Jc? I mean, it would be fun.

My phone keeps vibrating with texts and calls from Kian, but I just put my phone on silent and ignore him, because if I answer I don't even know what I will say. I am so besides myself right now with him.

"Jc, uh, what club exactly are we going to?" I ask.

"We're going to a night club in downtown, Jane is on her way, and I saw how pissed you are at Kian, so I decided to ignore him too. Look, I know he is my good friend, but he just has got to learn how to treat such pretty girls like you." Jc winks and smiles while putting his hand on my shoulder.

Ok. Ew.

Jane arrives and we get in her car. I can tell that Jane has been drinking a little, and I start to get a little nervous, maybe Kian should have came, I pull out my phone, just to see if i have any messages from him. Not a single one. This concerns me. Why did he stop texting me? Why did he stop calling? What if he is with Lauretta? What the fuck. All these thoughts are rushing through my head, and i start to cry, I can't help it.

"Jane. Take me home." I say, teary eyed

Jane looks back and asks, "C'mon Mel, why? What's wrong? Is it Kian? He deserves this!" She says, completely ignoring the red light she just went through. Jc is not even paying attention, and is sparking up a blunt. I hate the smell of weed.

I just roll my eyes, and start typing in Kians number, "213-8" is all I could make out before...

"JANE WATCH OUT!" Jc shouts.

"SHIT!" Jane swerves, and shouts.

I see a truck headlights beeping at us. Then just like that...

Before I knew it, my life flashed before my eyes. Here I am, Amelia, thinking about how i should've stayed with Kian, and how I should've never gotten in the car to go to a stupid club, and just like that my life did a 360 flip.

"Where...where am I?" I say while staring up at a ceiling, dazed, and confused.

"We need another towel, she is losing blood fast. Sweetheart, stay with me, what's your name?" A random lady I do not recognize is saying loudly.

"Amelia Rose." I can barely make out my own name.

"Good. Stay with me Amelia." "Her heart rate is decreasing. B fib. Get me a crash cart and push 10 of Epi. We need to get her into surgery, now. SHE'S CODING. God, She's lost a lot of blood." The lady screams to the other nurses around her. "Someone page Dr. Kids! Charge to 300" Beep...silence. My world is black, before I almost completely fade into darkness, the last thought in my head is, kian.


Why the fuck is Amelia not answering her phone. Does she want me to flip out on her. All of a sudden I see a random number has called me 3 times, hmm, maybe it's amelia calling me from a pay phone because her cell phone died, and she probably needs me. My phone rings for a 4th time, I answer.

"KIAN. Oh, thank god! It's Diane, Amelia's mother." She screams, while crying, and she seems like she is running.

I stand up, and start pacing back and forth. What is going on? Diane never calls me.

"Di-Diane? What happened? Is everything ok?" I ask, concerned.

"No. Amelia was in a car accident with Jane and Jc. The hospital just called me. Kian, I'm so scared. They said she is in surgery, she lost a lot of blood." Her mom sobs through the phone, as I start to cry.

"What hospital?" I ask, crying.

"The one near Charlotte. I'll come pick you up." She says crying, and hangs up.

I throw my phone into the wall, and sit on the bed and begin to lose control, and cry my eyes out. God dammit. Fuck. I knew Amelia should of stayed with me. I never should've lost control on her like that, and stormed away from her. What if that is the last time I am gonna see her? What if I never get to tell her I'm sorry? All these what if's are running through my head. What if she's...? Dead? No, she isn't. She can't be dead. I don't even know why I am running that what if through my head.

I look down at my phone, and decided to call my sister, Izzy. I haven't seen her in almost a year now, and I need someone to talk to before Diane gets here. She answers on the second ring.

"Kian? Are you ok?" Izzy asks, concerned.

"No. My girlfriend, Amelia. Was in a car crash with Jc and his girlfriend Jane." I cry so much i can barely even make out the sentence without losing control again. I wipe my tears, and light a cigarette, while getting my shoes on.

"What?! Is she alright?" Izzy asks.

"I think so. I don't know Izzy. I just, I can't..." I pause, getting teary eyed again. "...Lose her." I break down.

"Kian. Breathe it's gonna be okay." Izzy says. "I can come down to see you, It'll only take a hour and a half to get there." Izzy says, reassuring me it'll all be okay.

"No. Izzy. No, it''s okay. I hear beeping, it's Diane, Amelia's mom. I gotta go. Love you." I hang up and run down the hallway to the door before even hearing Izzy's response to me.

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