Chapter 2- Crushing

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The rest of the day sort of seems like a total blur, and I don't even know what I am going to wear to JC's party tomorrow night. Maybe I should just go in my jeans and a shirt? I mean, i'm not even trying to impress anyone. I don't want to, boy's suck, all of them. I had a boyfriend once, his name was Tyler, and he ended up being a total jerk, I can't trust boys, none of them, making me roll my eyes and tap my pen on my desk of my history class.

*BuzzBuzz* Its from a random number. I look down at my phone.

"Hey, it's Kian. Uh, Jane gave me your number I'm really looking forward to meeting you tomorrow night. From the pictures I've seen, you're gorgeous ;)" Ugh, are you serious? The first text I get from this guy contains a winky face. What a player. 

"Earth to Ms. Amelia" My teacher suddenly waved his hand in my face.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Reynolds" I say embarrassingly.

"The question please, what was the bombing in Hawaii by Japan called?" He asks.

"Pearl Harbor??" I say, questionly, knowing it's correct, just don't want to seem like a smart ass in front of the whole class.

"Correct, next time answer when I ask you the first time, and be present and no more texting in my class, that goes for everyone! Okay, mid terms..." He trails off.


I'm finally home, thank god. This day couldn't have gone by any slower.

"Mel, come downstairs it's time for dinner!" My mom shouts from downstairs.

"Coming." I say.

My mom made Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo, it's always so good, mom makes the best meals. The whole time at dinner my mom asks me the same questions all the time and I explain to her that school was good and I am going to be sleeping at Jane's tomorrow night, and of course she wants to speak to Jane's mom first to make sure it's alright with her. I quickly text Jane and tell her to tell her mother to be prepared for my mother's phone call after dinner that night.

"Jane's mom says it's fine if you sleepover, but don't stay up too late, you are always cranky when you do that" Mom says and laughs a little bit. "Clean the table, do your homework and get to bed" Mom states and I oblige. 

I do it all very quickly, and then jump into bed, I am so tired but I can't fall asleep again, I write in my diary, and check my social media, and force myself to sleep finally at 12 midnight.

In the morning, I wake up to 3 texts from Jane, and one from mom that reads 'Are you awake?'

'Mel!! I sent Kian a picture of you and he thinks you're super cute'

'MEL WAKE UP!' Jane texted me while I was sleeping, she always does that.

I answer with 'I know he texted my in the middle of history class yesterday' 

'OMG did you respond?'

'No.. he gave me a winky face on the first text message.'

 I mean, maybe Kian will be nice, but i'm totally not going to be easy to get with, I am NOT one of those girls. If this Kian boy thinks I am as cute as he says I am, he will prove it and won't just try to get in my pants. I hope. For once, I would just like a nice boy.

School seems like it is dragging on forever, and all Jane keeps talking about is her night with JC last night, and how they got super high and had sex on the kitchen floor, ew. Jane doesn't like to keep anything private, she's known me since 4th grade, but, some things are better left unsaid, but she doesn't quite understand that aspect, she also knows I'm a virgin. It's so embarrassing.

"So, Melly, whatcha gonna wear tomorrow tonight?" Jane questions me.

"I'm not sure, I don't think I should go anymore" I say.

"Um, Mel, are you kidding me? You're going, Kian is super excited to meet you and.." She says quickly until i interrupt

"Fine, I'll go, under one condition" I say

"What?" Jane says.

"I get to pick my outfit, and I'm driving us there so we have a way home" I say with a smile.

Jane just laughs and agrees with me. Until she says, "No. Wait JC was going to pick us up, just let him! It's better than finding parking spot when JC is already assigned to one!"

"Whatever. But I am NOT staying there all night" I state.

"Fine. I'll have him drop us off. I'll tell him not to drink a lot" Jane says.

"Yeah, that's promising" I laugh, and Jane walks away to get to class again on time.

I am actually excited for tomorrow tonight, but nervous at the same time, this is the very first 'smasher' i'll be going to. I think i used that word in the correct terms, well, I at least think I did.

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