Chapter 8- Success

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(WARNING: This chapter calls for mature readers. If you don't like that sort of stuff, just skip the chapter. I'll give warnings of chapters that contain sexual contact)

It is tomorrow morning, and I get ready for school, and eat some pancakes mom made for me. She's surprisingly home early. She always makes me pancakes every monday morning, It's become sort of like a tradition I suppose.

"Have a good time at school today, hunny" Mom says.

"Thanks, Kian was going to pick me up from school today" I say smiling

"Well, careful. Invite him over for dinner sometime, I want to get to know this boy more" She says looking me in the eyes.

I agree with her, and get on the bus, and sit in the middle rows, and head to school. I see Jane and tell her all about what happened yesterday, and she is just as excited as I am, like I said, maybe even more than I am!

"So, Mel, is Kian still picking you up from school?" She asks me.

"Yeah. I think so." I say smiling.

"Ugh, good, because JC is picking me up too. But he is going to be late because he has a doctor's appointment at 2:00. It's a drug test. He's not gonna pass. I don't know why he is even going." She says shaking her head.

"Isn't he on probation dude, he just got out of jail" I ask.

"Yeah...but remember I told you he wasn't the one stealing the car he was trying to stop his friend Zach from doing it, but he was too drunk to do anything" Jane says.

"Jane...he's ridiculous" I say laughing and shaking my head at her.

"Yeah, I know, but if you were there you'd probably do the same thing" She says sort of loudly.

"I'd steal a car?" I say smiling and laughing at her, and she just shakes her head.

"Well, I have to get to class, I'll talk to you later, Mel." She says while walking to class. She has been doing good lately about not being late to class, if she is late, she will go against her contract, and lose credit and be in danger of not graduating, so she better get to class on time!

School drags usual, and I can't wait to see Kian.

It is finally 2:10 and I run to my locker to get my coat, and to the front of the school.

'I'm here, right in front :)' Kian texts me

'I see you. Be out in a sec' I reply

I get into Kian's car, and I notice he is smoking a cigarette, again. Shocker. Oh well, there is flaws in everyone. This isn't a big one. He can always quit.

"Hey, how was your day?" Kian says while I'm entering his car

"Good...I guess. How was your college day at school?" I ask and smile.

"Sucked. I have a research project to do. It's due in 2 days." Kian seems frustrated.

"Ugh. That's no fun. What do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Well, I was going to see if you wanted to take a ride up to the lake" He says looking at me and taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Sure. I'd love that Kian" I say smiling and rolling down the window.

'All the small things, truth care, truth brings, i'll take one lift, you're right, best trip, always, I know, you'll be at my show...watching...waiting...' Kian is singing another Blink-182 song called, 'All the small things'

We get to the lake, and the water is super cold. It's tolerable, but still cold. It's January. It should be cold. But, I put my feet in anyway. Brr.

"Cold, huh?" Kian says while looking out into the horizon.

"Yeah. A little bit." I say nodding.

All of a sudden Kian picks me up and puts me over his shoulder and shouts "YOU'RE GOING IN!" I kick my feet and scream "NO, KIAN, NO, PUT ME DOWN!" I shout while laughing.

He throws me in and comes in after me and laughs and hugs me, he looks directly into my eyes, his eyes are so beautiful, and then plants a kiss on my lips, and we end up making out for some time. About 5 minutes, If i had to guess an amount of time. The water is starting to get super cold now.

"Kian, can I get out now?" I ask giggling.

"Sure. It's cold, I don't even know why we went in, it's not even warm outside" He says laughing. "Polar plunge!!"

He places a towel around me, and we sit down next to each other, and we end up talking about our past relationships. Kian mentions something about a girl named Lauretta, and how he dated her for a year and a half, and how she ended it, she was cheating on him, I guess. I just let Kian talk about his relationships because he knows already that i've only ever had one boyfriend in my life. So embarrassing. We get back into his car. Kian starts talking to me again while starting his car.

"You wanna know something, Amelia?" Kian says.

"What?" I ask.

"You're stunning. Even with your makeup smeared from the lake, and your hair all in a bun, you look beautiful" He says while smiling at me. I can't say anything but smile back. We start kissing again and this time Kian starts to pull me on top of him, and brings me across the passenger seat onto him in the driver seat.

"Am i doing okay?" I ask.

"You're fine, Mel. Just fine" Kian says while continuing to kiss me.

Kian starts kissing my neck, and rubbing my back and running his fingers through my hair. If this is how it feels to be in love, then I can't believe I've avoided it for this long. Kian stops kissing me.

"Amelia, have you ever been...touched, you know, down there?" He asks while smiling and laughing, looking down at my private area.

"...No...I haven't is that bad?" I ask.

"No. It's a good thing." Kian says smiling at me. "Want me to show you how it's done?" Kian asks me. I don't say anything, I just continue to kiss Kian while he pulls me into the back seat of his car.

Kian starts rubbing my back again and places me on his back seat and puts his hand into my shorts. He is reaching down further, and I can feel the sensation running throughout my entire body. He places a finger inside of me, I am starting to turn at how amazing this sensation is feeling.

"You like that?" Kian says while kissing my neck. I can't say anything but moan in enjoyment. I can feel Kian's bulge start to grow in his pants while he presses against me. I don't know what to do, so I don't do anything but close my eyes and enjoy this moment while I can. I start to reach my climax and I moan his name a couple times, until the sensation ends, and Kian stops and places a kiss on my forehead, and laughs.

"So, I'm guessing I did good?" Kian laughs at me.

"Oh, shut up, you were alright" I say kidding around, and Kian turns on the car and we start to drive back.

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