Chapter 18- Jane

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What is happening. Fuck. My head is killing me beyond belief. I wake up in complete and utter confusion. Is this a dream? Where am I? What is this place? I see a nurse, or doctor, or something walk by my room. I squint barely making out images of the nurse.

"Excuse me!" I say as loudly as I can without it hurting my ribs. Ow.

"Yes?" The nurse asks me.

"Where am I?" I ask, squinting my eyes, and rubbing my hands together.

"You're in the hospital, in Charolette. She looks at me, and picks up her chart.

"Justin Caylen?" She asks.

"Yeah. Again, what happened?" I ask, because I can not remember what happened. All I remember is seeing a really bright light...then this.

"You were in a car accident with two other ladies. A Jane Piscitellio, and an Amelia Rose Porter. Do you remember that, Justin?" The nurse asks me.

"Call me Jc. And yeah. I think I do. Jane is my girlfriend, and Amelia is my buddies girlfriend. Where are they!? Are they okay?" I ask, getting teary eyed, and even more heartbroken.

"Amelia is in surgery," She looks down at her chart, and walks out of the room for a minute, and comes back in a few seconds later. What is going on? And why can no one give me an honest straight answer?

"Sweetheart, there is no easy way to say this...but" She pauses and starts getting teary eyed too.

"What?! But what?" I ask, almost shouting, but it hurts too much too. I try to stand up.

"Justin...I mean Jc please lay down, you are in no shape to be standing right now." The nurse says, laying me back down.

"Your mother is on her way here. She said she will be here in just a few hours. You need to rest Jc. Please" She says, motioning me to lay back down.

"No. I don't care if she is coming. I knew she would be. NOW, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY GIRLFRIEND RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" I shout in her face, crying.

"Jc...she was pronounced dead on the scene. She ended up going right through the windshield from impact. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt. A truck hit the left side of the car. It soon landed on its side, and the emergency crew got there, and saw a woman lying almost 20 ft ahead of the car. They soon got to ID her, and it was a Jane Piscitellio. She was gone before their arrival, there was nothing anyone could do. We did all we could. Sweetie, I am so sorry. Is there anyone you need me to call?" She asks, putting her hand on my thigh. I cannot help but cry, and be speechless. I cannot even answer her right now.

"I'll leave you alone for now. I am so sorry for your loss. Holler if you need anything. Okay?" The nurse says and walks away, looking back at me, and doing a half smirk, smile.

Is this real life? I grab my head, and start to punch myself lightly in the side of my head. This can't be happening. I completely lose control, and cannot control the tears running down my face, even though it hurts to cry. I don't even care. I feel like shit. I'm the one who wanted Jane to drive, even after I saw she had been drinking. God. I am so goddamn stupid. I cry even harder. I am starting to think this was all my fucking fault. Kian. God where is Kian? I need to know where he is.

"NURSE! COME QUICK!" I scream.

"Yes, Jc?" She asks, opening the curtain.

"Call Kian Lawley. Please. He is my best friend." I cry.

"Mr. Lawley is already here. I was about to bring him in to see you. He was on your list of emergency contacts." The nurse says, and walks away, fastly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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